Saturday, September 21, 2013

Stearns Ch 10

Part 1: Terms philia Ages -Time period between the postclassical chronological sequence and the renaissance. Consists of Dark Ages and the High Middle Ages, in which the latter apothegm an repairment in trade, thrift, and lives of peasants. (Page 214) Gothic- an architectural style developed during the Middle Ages in western Europe; featured pointed arches and flying besidestresses as away support on main walls. (Page 227) Vikings- A finish originating in Scandinavia (now Norway, Denmark and Sweden) around the mid-8th century AD The Vikings were fierce conquerors, jocund explorers, and skillful craftspeople; they invaded and settled countries throughout Western Europe. (Page 216) Manorialism-Organization of rural economy and purchase order by three classes of manors: a lords avouch land, serf holdings, and free peasant land. It was the system of scotch and policy-making relationships between landlords and their peasant laborers. The serfs were subject to man y burdens but were non considered slaves they even had ownership of houses and lands. (Page 216) Serfs- Peasant agricultural laborers deep depressed the manorial system of the middle Ages. (216) Moldboard- Plow invented during the middle Ages to better farming efficiency. It was a curved Iron Plate that allowed deeper deliberate of the soil. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
(Page 216) Three-field system one third of land left unplanted each year to increase fertility. (Page 216) Clovis major power Clovis king was the King of the Franks who converted to Christianity ca. 496. Carolingians- Royal house of franks that succeeded the Merovingian dynasty; most bighearted member was Charlemagne. The! ruled between 8-10th century.(Page 217) Charles Martel - Carolingian sovereign of Franks who frustrated Muslims at Tours in 732. (Page 217) Charlemagne-Charles the Great he was a Carolingian monarch who established substantial empire in France and Germany. employ the system of feudalism to expand and control his empire. (Page 217) dedicated roman print Emperors : rulers in northern Italy...If you want to run a panoptic essay, order it on our website:

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