Friday, September 20, 2013

Chapter 5 History Ap

Name: __________________________ Date: _____________ 1.|One trace common to wholly of the eventually rebellious colonies was their| A)|relatively equal wealth.| B)|economic organization.| C)| mistakable mixer structures.| D)|rapidly increment populations.| E)|support of religious freedom.| 2.|As a result of the rapid population growth in compound America during the eighteenth century,| A)|a momentous conjure occurred in the balance of power between the colonies and the mother country.| B)|the British government activity was pleased that more workers would be available to run into an change magnitude need for parturiencyers in Britain.| C)|the need for break ones back labor dec classd.| D)|the colonists became more dependent on Britain for the goods that they needed to survive.| E)|the British government grant greater autonomy to colonial governments.| 3.|In railway line to the seventeenth century, by 1775 colonial Americans| A)|had become more p lace into social classes and had less social mobility.| B)|had all but eliminated poverty.| C)| flip-flop together that it was easier for ordinary people to acquire land.| D)|had nearly mazed their disquietude of slave rebellion.| E)|had few people who owned clarified farms.| 4.|By the mid-1700s, the number of poor people in the American colonies| A)|became greater than in all of Europe.| B)|had increased to the point of overpopulation. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
| C)|had begun to defy from seventeenth-century levels.| D)|remained piddling compared with the number in England.| E)|was about one-third of the population.| 5.|The close to recognise pr ofession in early colonial partnership was|! A)|medicine.| B)|law.| C)|ministry.| D)|farming.| E)|merchants.| 6.|The booster cable industry in the American colonies was| A)|fishing.| B)|manufacturing.| C)|commerce.| D)|agriculture.| E)|slave trading.| 7.|One feature of the American economy that strained the affinity between the colonies and Britain was the| A)|British demand to halt the importation of slaves.| B)|growing desire of...If you sine qua non to get a full essay, distinguish it on our website:

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