Monday, September 16, 2013


Mesopotamia 1. Kings ru conduct, followed by priests, Ur, Uruk 2. Social level 3. Kings and priest 4. polytheistic-The belief in many gods or goddesses. 5. 1. barleycorn was used as subject matter of paywork forcet for fight in kind and daily rations. Barley was also the seat for the natural beverage: beer. Other products be oil (sesame seeds, linseed), flax, pale yellow and horticultural products. Herds of sheep and goats graze the meadows away the season. Cattle pasture when fitting water is available. Wool drudgery was large and converted to an smorgasbord of textile fabrics. The extreme in the south of Mesopotamia has always had a contrary economy (dates and fishing). 2. The economy was ground on agriculture, predominantly the finish of barley its also ground on technology, 1.The world was a flat disk that was surrounded by a considerable hollow space and that this was envelop in an over-arching heaven. The sea was every(prenominal) around the bottom and sides. The universe had been natural of these waters. 2. 3.In the metropolis of Ur, or so people were inhumed in family graves under their houses, along with some possessions. A some accommodate been found intent in mats and carpets. Deceased children were govern in big jars which were put in the family chapel. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Other stiff have been found buried in common city graveyards. 17 graves have been found with very rare objects in them. It is assumed that these were princely graves. 4.Mesopotamia across its history became much and more a hoary society, one in which the men were far more mightily than the women. Most boys were taught their fathers t! rade or were apprenticed out to gibe a trade. Girls had to stay groundwork with their mothers to learn housekeeping and cooking, and to tonicity after the adolescenter children. 1.The epic of creation, the Enuma elish, describes the date between the young gods, led by Marduk, and the old gods, led by Tiamat and her melt down Kingu. Another well-known myth, symbolize the death and rebirth of...If you extremity to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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