Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Research Study on Gender Bias in Education Essay

These instructions were used as a form of deception to prove my hypothesis. My hypothesis was that women would be more affected by this deception than would the men. My results proved otherwise. Results showed there was little difference in the way the women and men performed on these tests on either version. The ANOVA testing showed these clear results. Does Performance Reflect Success? Gender biases are present in the American culture. Women are put in a stereotype as the one to stay at home cleaning and cooking while men are believed to have to bring home the paychecks. How we live though is not the only area with gender biases. There are biases when it comes to sports, who can do what jobs and even education. Women are believed to be better at the education aspects having to do with words and comprehension while men are believed to be better at numbers or math. In the research world there is much controversy on whether the bias presented is true or not. Researchers have not been able to support this belief or disregard it due to the many conflicting results. A study done with the purpose of determining whether gender expectations still exist in present time, resulted in the idea that more and more genders are becoming equal in education (Jordan 2008). It was found that both sexes are more likely than ever to complete their high school education and even be able to obtain higher degree. The study also showed the gender gap in scores on the National Association of Education Progress becoming more and more narrow over time. Jordan does not refute the idea of gender bias in education but supported the idea that it is diminishing. These two researchers on the other hand, Fisher (2008) and Johnston (2005), have studies supporting their beliefs that gender biases in teaching are simply a myth. Both constructed research to support the idea that neither females nor males perform differently according to gender expectation or that these gender expectations are implemented at all. Fisher more, specifically, researching in math and Johnston in math and education. Chapman (2012) and Goetz (1996) though, both have studies that seem to prove otherwise. Chapman conducted a study, in Canada, which lead to the belief that gender discrepancies in teaching and education focus more positively on females. Chapman believes males are the ones taking losses in education expectancies. Goetz on the other hand, researched and came up with results which led him to believe American educators focus their attention more on males allowing them a positive advantage. After learning so much from previous research it can be accurately inferred that the gender bias in education does exist. A psychologist, Ghandi (2006) stated in his study the truth behind the bias. He used this truth to conduct a study in which he found that women not only believe the bias but are subject to it when they are told they will fail due to their gender. This particular study is what laid down the foundation for my research study. All of the above researchers knew the biased existed and all tried to support it or disprove it. This research project has one purpose; to find out not if gender biases exist but whether women are affected by these gender based expectations more than men. In many colleges and universities women are very comfortable with their gender; they are powerful, and successful. There are clubs devoted to women’s sexuality, success, and even fashion senses. There are awards given to women who have gotten superior grades, been offered great jobs, or are simply a success. Knowing this, what I want to learn is whether these women who are so highly praised and allowed the same success as men are still subjects to gender based expectations, more specifically in learning and education. In my study I will be deceiving the participants into thinking that only women will be successful in this study or to another group I will be saying only men will be successful. The way this will be done is by using simple high school level math tests. Before he test I will be falsely informing half of my participants (equal number of females and males) that only men will pass this test, and then I will repeat this with the other half of my participants but falsely informing them of the opposite. The fact that I will play on women’s vulnerability will allow me to learn whether these very empowered and successful women will still be so after being told th ey will fail before even trying. My hypothesis is that these women will be affected by such a statistic and depending on the false statistic they get, they will fulfill it. Methods Participants Forty eight undergraduate volunteers (24 males and 24 females) from Bryant University took part in this study. The average age of participants was recorded at 20. 22 years (SD=1. 13). No cultural or ethnic backgrounds were recorded. With help from different psychology professors a general description was given out within psychology classes and volunteers were recruited. To these participants in particular extra credit was allotted. The rest of the participants were recruited through word of mouth and e-mail in which they were once again given a general description of the study and asked whether they would be willing to volunteer. Each participant was tested individually and required approximately 15 minutes to complete study. Materials The study consisted of participants completing a standardized math test, four survey questions, and a deceptive article which can all be found in the appendix. The math test was found in an SAT math test practice site. This math test worked as the channel for the dependent variable (result on the test). The survey questions asked were simply used for collecting information. The questions did not ask sensitive information or anything that would put any participant at risk. Finally, the short article was written by myself and is completely fictional. It falsely informed the participants on information regarding SAT tests and reported false statistics on men outperforming women for half of the studies and the opposite for the other half. This was used as the deception part of the research which inconspicuously provided the participant with the independent variable (whether females or males pass this test) Procedures Forty eight students were recruited (24 females and 24 males) from Bryant University as the participants of my study. They were all recruited through psychology classes in which Professors gave a brief overview of what my study entailed and from there proceeded to recruit. The participants recruited in such a manner were rewarded with extra credit points in their class. The rest of the participants were recruited through word of mouth and group e-mails. With each participant recruited I have a brief explanation of what the study was comprised of, what it entailed, and more specifically what each participant would have to contribute. Once I recruited all participants which were necessary I began the research itself. At the start of their participation, each participant was handed a consent for in which they were asked to read thoroughly and if they agreed to the terms and conditions they were to sign and date. In the consent form participants were informed of their ability to leave the study at any time, their entitlement to any information and debriefing, on the confidentiality of the study and many more safety factors. To show the validity of the form I signed and dated on the same page each participant did right in front of them. Each participant agreed to the consent form allowing the study to continue. Once the consent form process was finished I would hand each participant the study packet. At this point they were told that each study was to be completed alone. The packet started off with an article which was entirely false and used to deceive each participant. On it there was made up information on the performance of genders on the SAT test throughout the past years. Each participant was informed that they would not be able to continue with the packet if they did not read these instructions. Once the instructions were read each participant could continue to the next section which consisted of the survey questions. These questions were purely used to collect data for analysis. Once the second part was completed each participant would continue on to the math portion of this study. The math portion of the test was a high school level standardized math test previously tested by college level participants. Each participant completed the math portion and would come to me to hand it in. when each individual would approach me I made sure to let them know the true nature of the study and informed them of the deceit. It was very important that no participant left the study with the false idea of one gender outperforming the other. I made sure each participant was thoroughly debriefed and had any questions they had answered. Results The data were analyzed using an ANOVA with the alpha level set at . 05. The main effect of gender participation was not significant, ? (1,44)=. 12, p=. 73, ? 2=. 003 and the main effect of gender test taking was not significant, ? (1,44)=. 00, p=1. 0, ? 2=. 00. However, the interaction between the gender participation and gender test was marginally significant, ? (1,44)=2. 97, p=. 9, ? 2=. 06. Figure 1 shows a cross-over interaction in which the two variables almost perfectly interact. My hypothesis stated that women’s scores would be more affected by the test gender and the deception then would the men’s. The results of the tests did not vary according to the gender of the participant or gender of the test. My hypothesis was not supported by the above da ta. There was, however, a notable factor in the results and the fact that they were similar in score for both genders. Discussion No significant main effect for test gender or participant gender occurred in this study. When taking a math test right after reading a deceitful article about the tendency of males or females to outperform the opposite sex, neither gender’s score seemed to be affected. This particular result is not what I predicted in my original hypothesis. Straying away from my belief that women would underperform the men once they were deceived into believing they would be outperformed, the results disproved my hypothesis. This outcome is consistent with the research of Fisher (2008) and Johnston (2005) in finding there is no significant gab in the performance of females and males in the subject of math. The results are not consistent though with those findings by Ghandi (2006) a researcher whose findings state that women do poorly on math when they are told their gender is to blame. Some factors which may have led to the inconsistency between my hypothesis and my results can be attributed to the limitation when conducting this research. Being part of such a small university, my research was very limited in the sample size it could use. Three thousand undergraduate students was a small population to choose just forty eight participants from. This also lead to what I believe was a biased sample since each and every participant was also my friend. The fact that the participants had a relationship with me could have caused an over performance level which would not usually happen. Some internal validity which should be looked at was the fact that many variables were simply not recorded. These factors include the race and ethnicity of the participant, whether English was their native language, if they understood the deceiving article in the start, and whether they understood every question asked in the math portion. Another internal validity factor is the way in which data was recorded. If this study were to be repeated, observation should definitely be an alternative way of recording data. There was so much happening as I observed each and every participant complete my study. Participants would get frustrated or smile the whole way through. Sometimes they would try to help each other out when I looked the other way or simply just guessed the answers since they did not want to be taking a math test. Using a standardized that does not give anything in return to these participants, should not have been my only source of data since it was not the best way to find results. Regardless of the limitations, new studies and research in the field of gender differences in education have resulted with outcomes very similar to mine. Although my hypothesis was not supported, the consistency it has with the studies of Fisher (2008) and Johnston (2005) only come to show that this study will be supporting much research in the psychology world. My results will be one more way to support the idea that there is little or no difference in gender performance in math. In addition to replicating my results, future research might extend the finding by examining other subjects in the world of education. Expanding the testing to be possibly in language, critical thinking, sciences and also math may give a better understanding on whether there is a discrepancy in women’s performance when they are told they are going to fail. Future research might also want to expand their sample by moving to younger generations in school, possibly in igh school, and older generations in and out of school. By doing so the outcome may result more accurately and allow a better understanding of the prediction. In conclusion, gender performance on standardized math tests do not have a direct link to the subject or the belief that one gender will outperform the other. After testing 48 participants (24 female and 24 male), giving each the same exact standardized math test but deceiving each to think they would outperform or underperform the opposite sex, no gender seemed to truly outperform. Each gender resulted close to equal. The results did not support my hypothesis but it led the way to a new hypothesis and a completely new approach to this study. References Goetz, J. (1996). In Education Expert: Classroom Gender Bias Persists. Cornell Cronicle. Retrieved from http://www. news. cornell. edu/chronicle/96/4. 25. 96/gender. html. Jordan, J (2008) The Myth of Gender Bias in School. Retrieved March 8, 2012. From http://www. parentdish. com/2008/05/20/the-myth-of-gender-bias-in-school/ Fisher, M (2008) Study: No gender differences in math performance. University of Wisconsin-Madison News. Retrieved from http://www. news. wisc. edu/15412 Johnston, T (2005) No evidence of innate gender differences in math and science, scholars assert. Stanford University News. Retrieved from http://news. stanford. edu/news/2005/february9/math-020905. html Gandhi, U. (2006) Gender bias in math skills doesn’t add up, scientists say. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://www. theglobeandmail. com/news/technology/science/article197902. ece Chapman, A. (2012) Gender bias in education. Research Room. Retrieved from http://www. edchange. org/multicultural/papers/genderbias. html Table 1 Cross over interaction [pic] Appendix Survey questions Male/ Female (circle one) Date of Birth __________ Anticipated graduation year __________ Have you ever taken a standardized test (example: SAT) Math questions (standardized test) http://www. majortests. com/sat/problem-solving-test01 1. Of the following, which is greater than ? ? [pic]A. 2/5 [pic]B. 4/7 [pic]C. 4/9 [pic]D. 5/11 [pic]E. 6/13 2. If an object travels at five feet per second, how many feet does it travel in one hour? [pic]A. 30 [pic]B. 300 [pic]C. 720 [pic]D. 1800 [pic]E. 18000 3. What is the average (arithmetic mean) of all the multiples of ten from 10 to 190 inclusive? [pic]A. 90 [pic]B. 95 [pic]C. 100 [pic]D. 105 pic]E. 110 4. A cubical block of metal weighs 6 pounds. How much will another cube of the same metal weigh if its sides are twice as long? [pic]A. 48 [pic]B. 32 [pic]C. 24 [pic]D. 18 [pic]E. 12 5. In a class of 78 students 41 are taking French, 22 are taking German and 9 students are taking both French and German. How many students are not enrolled in either course? [pic]A. 6 [pic]B. 15 [pic]C. 24 [pic]D. 33 [pic]E. 54 6. If f(x) = Â ¦(x? – 50)Â ¦, what is the value of f(-5) ? [pic]A. 75 [pic]B. 25 [pic]C. 0 [pic]D. -25 [pic]E. -75 7. ( v2 – v3 )? = [pic]A. 5 – 2v6 [pic]B. 5 – v6 [pic]C. 1 – 2v6 [pic]D. 1 – v2 pic]E. 1 8. 230 + 230 + 230 + 230 = [pic]A. 8120 [pic]B. 830 [pic]C. 232 [pic]D. 230 [pic]E. 226 [pic] 9. Amy has to visit towns B and C in any order. The roads connecting these towns with her home are shown on the diagram. How many different routes can she take starting from A and returning to A, going through both B and C (but not more than once through each) and not travelling any road twice on the same trip? [pic]A. 10 [pic]B. 8 [pic]C. 6 [pic]D. 4 [pic]E. 2 [pic] 10. In the figure above AD = 4, AB = 3 and CD = 9. What is the area of triangle AEC ? [pic]A. 18 [pic]B. 13. 5 [pic]C. 9 [pic]D. 4. 5 [pic]E. 3

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Forensic Psych

Forensic Psychology Psychology involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors of the human body. It can be looked as being broken down into two categories, basic psychology and applied psychology. Basic psychology is the use of theories and fundamentals to explain how attitudes, personalities, values, and behaviors are related while applied psychology is the use of these psychological principles and theories to overcome problems in real life situations.Some of the basic psychology studies include abnormal, cognitive, developmental, and social psychology. Applied psychology applies these studies in things like clinical, forensic, health, and educational psychology. I chose to explore the study of an applied type of psych, forensic psychology. Forensic psychology is the application of the science and profession of psychology to questions issues relating to law and the legal system. The word ‘forensic' comes from the Latin word ‘forensis,' meaning ‘of the forum,' where the law courts of ancient Rome were held.Not only does forensic psychology require understanding of the different psychological studies but also an understanding of the law and how it works. Looking at legal issues from a psychological standpoint combines psychology and the law. This form of psychology is used frequently in the legal system. Legal systems make use of forensic psychologists and their practice in evaluations of the mental status of defendants before, during and after trial proceedings.Most may think forensic psychology is only used in criminal matters but forensic psychologist may also assist in a wide variety of civil matters. Civil matters can include lawsuits or insurance claims where emotional affliction is a part of the claim. Determination of competency of an aged or ill person to make decisions, or whether a death was an accident or a â€Å"disguised suicide† in an insurance claim case are both examples of how forensic psychology can he lp aid certain legal cases.The idea of forensic psychology first came about in the late 1800’s. But it wasn’t until the 1900’s when a German psychologist by the name of Hugo Munsterberg claimed that psychology should be applied to the law. Even though this is a couple hundred years from today, it wasn’t until 2001 that the American Psychological Association recognized forensic psychology as a specialization under the study of psychology. In 1906, a defense attorney asked Hugo to review his convicted client’s investigation and trial records.This promoted his 1908 book â€Å"On the Witness Stand†. It detailed how psychological factors can influence the outcome of a trial. In the book, he discussed problems with eyewitness testimony, false confessions, and interrogations. Munsterberg points out that for various reasons why eye witness testimony is essentially unreliable, he describes how eye witness testimony is naturally susceptible to what he calls â€Å"illusions† where a subjects perceptions could be affected causing an inaccurate testimony.In the portion of the book that he calls â€Å"The Detection of Crime†, he discusses the many factors that can influence testimonies, gain confessions, and force confessions from those who are innocent. He explains some of the ways that police have of making suspects confess to crimes that they had not committed, some of these including making their life as uncomfortable as possible while in holding to be able to break down their energy, and â€Å"worst of all giving brutal shocks given with fiendish cruelty to the terrified imagination of the suspect. Later, in 1917 one of Munsterberg’s students, William Marston, discovered that systolic blood pressure and lying were directly correlated. This discovery helped lead the creation of the modern polygraph detector Forensic psychology was largely stagnant until the 1940s and 1950s, when psychologists began regularl y testifying in courts as experts on a range of psychological topics. They became able to conduct evaluations to help the court with mental statuses, the sanity of defendants, and legal competence. One of the first uses of forensic psychology in the court was in the landmark case Brown v.Board of Education (1954) that ended legal segregation in public schools. Psychologists showed that segregation had a negative effect on the self-esteem of young children and the court believed this was a persuasive argument. This proved that psychologists were an extremely useful form of testimony for both the plaintiffs and defendants. Another example of the importance of forensic psychologists came around in 1962 when psychologists serving as mental illness professionals were strongly supported by the court in the case Jenkins v. United States.Here the court ruled in support to psychologists being used as expert witnesses when mental illnesses are concerned. Following this example many other cour ts, both federal and local, began to accept the use of psychologists and psychological assessments more willingly. Psychological assessment refers to scientific methods used by psychologists for the purpose of understanding and explaining an individual’s, couple’s or family’s psychological functioning. Psychological assessments help to define and understand personality, behavior, emoti ons, intelligence, and how they come together.Such assessments help to answer diagnostic questions, to specify a person’s strengths, weaknesses and personality structure, and to explain and to predict behavior. Assessments that are used in the forensic setting are a leading activity for those whom are involved. Forensic psychological assessments are an in-depth process utilizing extensive interviewing, and standardized psychological tests, which produce reliable, valid and reproducible results. To be all-inclusive, an assessment needs to examine a range of psychological fac tors, such as cognitive and personality functioning, developmental history, and interpersonal relationships.These factors can be further broken down into emotional, cognitive, intellectual, developmental, executive, educational, social, neuropsychological, and physiological functioning. Information obtained from standardized psychological assessment has a normative, statistical scientific basis, as it compares the individual against data collected in samples of normal and clinically disordered individuals. It allows the evaluator to determine how similar or dissimilar this person is to people in these samples.While individuals may attempt to â€Å"look good† or â€Å"look bad† in interviews, depending on the case at hand, most test instruments contain multiple validity scales on which to evaluate the extent to which the individual is providing honest, candid, defensive, socially desirable, or exaggerated depictions of their psychological health or symptoms. An overall aim of forensic psychological assessment is to provide the basis for concluding both previous and active factors that can help to explain specific actions, and to make recommendations applicable to the legal issues at hand.The court appoints a psychologist to determine a range of things including mental state, diminished capacity, and competency. When it comes to mental state, a determination is made as to whether there is substantial evidence that the patient suffers a mental disorder. Emotions are not considered a mental disorder. The psychologist needs to consider psychological influences at the scene of the alleged crime. Depending on the outcome of the examination, the psychologist may testify in court how the impaired mental abilities â€Å"actually caused a malformation of the mental element of the crime. The psychologist does not have to be certain that the defendant's disorder caused him or her to be unable to form the intent or knowledge or the crime, but the expert must have some belief in the â€Å"probability or possibility† that it did. Experts need to testify with reasonable medical or psychological certainty. Three main areas of defense related to mental health include diminished capacity, competency, or mitigating (justifying) circumstances. A diminished capacity assessment focuses on whether or not a person was able to comprehend the alleged crime being committed.The psychologist assessed whether the individual, in his/her opinion, was organized, purposeful, and goal oriented. The main question is, whether the defendant's behavior was affected by a mental disorder of mood or thought, by alcohol and or drug intoxication or an irresistible impulse induced by a mental disease affecting the person so that the person is unable to resist the impulse to commit the act that he or she has been charged with. A competency evaluation assesses whether a person has the mental facility or ability to understand the legal proceedings against them.Also , the evaluation focuses on determining whether they are able to assist their attorney in their own defense. Mitigating circumstances are sometimes considered regarding the defendant's capacity to â€Å"appreciate the wrongfulness of their conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law. † Whether a person is charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, their mental state or mental illness is an issue to consider before conviction or before sentencing. The attorney representing the accused person may request a psychological evaluation or sometimes an evaluation is court ordered.Psychological expert witness testimony may also be used in a personal injury case when the plaintiff makes a case that they suffered undue  mental or emotional  pain and suffering. In family law cases, the parties may be evaluated with regard to the best interests of the child or children, and a custody and parenting-time recommendation is made. An in-depth evaluation of the parties, an assessment of their parenting and relationships with their children, and an assessment of their children's status and developmental needs is devised in terms of the children's best interests and a parenting and custody plan which best meets the children eeds. The following is a list of most widely known and commonly utilized psychological tests in forensic contexts: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) – The most recent of the adult Wechsler tests is a general test of intelligence, IQ (general measure of intellectual ability). There are 15 subtests that make up the WAIS-IV; at least 10 must be administered to derive an IQ score. In addition to providing an IQ, scores are derived on the following groups of the WAIS-IV subtests:   Verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.For adolescents and children, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition is used. Rorschach Ink Blot Method – This is a performance-based test instrument. The examinee is presented with the Rorschach inkblots and asked, â€Å"What do you see? † Score results provide insight into the individual’s basic psychological processes such as thinking, impulse control, stress tolerance, reality testing, imagination, and interpersonal relationships.Compared to self-report measures, the Rorschach is not nearly as vulnerable to impression-management or attempts to exaggerate problems. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) –  A self-report personality inventory, and is the most commonly used test in forensic psychological assessment. The MMPI-2 provides information along multiple scopes including clinical syndromes, personality characteristics, psychosocial stressors and severity of disturbance. Scoring provides a number of validity scales.There are 10 primary clinical scales and a multitude of content and symptom scales. Psychology is a growing field and will continued to b e used in the legal content. It is an essential part of cases when dealing with the mentally ill and it aids in providing proper conviction, sentencing and rehabilitation. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Kitaeff, J. (2010). Forensic psychology. Pearson College Div. [ 2 ]. Fulero, S. M. , & Wrightsman, L. S. (2010). Forensic psychology. (3rd ed. ). New York, NY: Wadsworth Pub Co. 3 ]. Munsterberg, H. (1909). On the witness stand: Essays on psychology and crime. New York: Doubleday, Page (74). [ 4 ]. Costanzo, M. , & Krauss, D. (2011). Forensic and legal psychology. New York, NY: Worth Pub. [ 5 ]. Heilbrun, K. (2001). Principles of forensic mental health assessment. Springer. [ 6 ]. Wrightsman, L. (2001). Forensic psychology. Australia Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth Thomson Learning. [ 7 ]. Rosenfeld, Barry, Steven Penrod, and Barry Rosenfeld. Research Methods in Forensic Psychology. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2011

Monday, July 29, 2019

Crazy love Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crazy love - Essay Example The speaker then introduces the book Crazy Love, indicating that it is about living one’s life radically for Jesus, and then begins to explore the contents of this book. This part of the speech is highly effective as it functions as both an introduction and a suspenseful attention grabber, as the listener begins to wonder what extremes the author and speaker are recommending one go to live their life for Jesus. Throughout the speech a number of transitions are worked in so the speech does not simply grow stale or meander without a purpose. In these regards, it’s clear the speaker has mastered the content and chosen a speech that is well structured for delivery. This is improved by a number of real-world examples, such as the story of a homeless person that lives their life simply to spread the word of God. The speaker continues the speech in an upbeat and impassioned way, further holding the viewer’s interest. The speaker indicates that while they are being judged, they also passionately believe in the message and hope the audience will be moved by it. Even as the speaker relays this in an energetic way, one begins to sense that the speech is slightly contrived and perhaps over-rehearsed. It begins to be relayed in a slightly theatrical way that distances the speaker for their message, leading the listener to begin to question if they are truly committed to its principles. Still, other aspects of the speech come across highly genuine. The speaker is also apt at varying the intensity and her inflection. In these regards, it’s clear that while she may not truly be committed to the underlining message, she is non-the-less committed to delivering the speech in as convincing a way as possible. As the speech continues a number of references are made to the notion of living rad ically for Jesus and the speaker’s personal life. These connections further enhance the speech as they bring the listener closer to the speaker and the purpose of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

THE FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

THE FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION - Research Paper Example Even after 182 years of its survival, the French Foreign Legion remains a much misunderstood unit in the global military scenario. Huge non-supportive behavior of French people against the United States led alliance for war against terrorism in Iraq and also their rejection to even recognize it as a global war provides only to increase the Legion’s contemporary insignificance. Legion has mainly engaged itself in very rare attempts in the domain of peacekeeping and expansion of larger national military forces since 1962, they have established and preserved a level of preparation and capability that is more than that of other specialized military establishments. Foreign French Legion remains a vital component of nation’s military infrastructure, especially after recent reorganization. King Louis Philippe came into power after King Charles X was overthrown in the result of a rebellion. King Louis Philippe was struggling with the problem soon after climbing the throne of France. That was how to address the huge number of refugees, revolutionaries and exiles coming from the bordering countries mixed up in internal uprisings. He knew the risk these foreigners can pose to his kingdom. A solution was proposed to King Louis Philippe by a self-proclaimed lieutenant general of French Army, Jean Lacroix. Lacroix had already formed a structure of foreign volunteers with designs on utilizing them in newly conquered territory of Algeria by the French army. He suggested that his force be expanded by positive recruiting all over the country side of France with pledges of handsome salary and legal status in the country. These suggestions of Jean Lacroix were approved by the King Louis Philippe as an excellent solution that was not only addressing his refugees’ problem, bu t it would also help in reducing the strive on the regular French military combating

Business Planning and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business Planning and Development - Essay Example The company offered the products and features that were acceptable by the customers. This not only increased the sale rate but also reduced the cost of products. The cost leadership strategy had a positive impact on the company. It ignored the different market segments and focused on the mass market (Porter 1997). The advantages of employing this strategy were that the company charged lower prices, yet got the same profit. The market shares were protected from the rivals. The business had opportunity to reduce its price to compete with the substitute products. All these advantages have secured the business and gave the rivals and competitors a hard time. The difficulties that the company had faced were the technological advancements that the rivals have brought, like better features in low price. The imitation ability of the rival was another hurdle for the company (Cost Leadership Strategy 2010). Following the low cost strategy, our company has targeted less market as compared to ri vals to have a balance between price and cost of the product. The other difficulty that the industry has encountered was related to the market share. Some of the rivals also opted for the low cost leadership strategy due which our market shares reduced. ... The biggest challenge for our company was to provide unique services to the customer and to satisfy maximum number of customers. In achieving this target, we have invested and worked a lot. We have hired consultants, creative teams and professional marketing staff. All of these helped in making a position in the market and increasing the sales and profit of the company. The plans that the company has for future includes expansion of target market, enhancement of customization for the consumers and increase in production units. This requires more assets and operating expense. For that, the company needs loan from the bank so that the operations and sales do not get messed up due to lack of expenses and opportunities. The trade off related to these expansions may be the cost versus benefits. The benefit that the company may get is the profit. And the cost is the cost of expansion and other operating expenses. Benefits and costs are often expressed in monetary terms and are adjusted wit h the money value, which makes the flow of benefits and of costs to be expressed on a common basis of their actual and present value. Â  The biggest problem with this trade off is the accuracy. It’s not necessary that the estimation of the cost and its benefits is always estimated accurately. If the things do not work out, the cost versus benefit may subject risk of bankruptcy. For that, the company must have enough operating expense by which it can keep the company working. The establishment of the business requires a lot of sacrifices and commitment. On a personal note, the commitments that I had to make include the sacrifices of one’s own needs. The lack of prioritizing basic

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Leadership & Negotiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leadership & Negotiation - Essay Example From the discussion it is clear that organizations are faced with an alarming shrinkage in the availability of funds as obtaining credit has become harder, a fact which has resulted in driving well established businesses to the point of bankruptcy. The global recession also proves to be a considerable challenge because inflation has increased the level of risk associated with business activities and in these times of the financial crunch.This essay discusses that smaller businesses will generally be much more sensitive to the on going credit crunch because of their limited sources of external funding, larger more well established organizations will face the difficulties of keeping a huge business set up going in an atmosphere of financial   vulnerability. Hence it would be safe to say that all sorts of businesses are facing considerable difficulties during these times. However, there are some ways that organizations can counter these circumstances. Leaders must aim to build their o rganization’s credit structures in a way which enable them to weather the â€Å"bitter cold shock to the credit markets† . Leaders of small to medium organizations can ensure credit approval by devising strong negotiation strategies and can also look towards other sources of external financing such as â€Å"crowd funding†.  Leaders will have to learn how to make their organizations more ‘flexible’, because surviving in today’s business environment means that organizations will have to respond to the micro-markets’ demands in a timely manner, and this can only be done if organizations are flexible.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Application of the Criminal Justice System Research Paper

Application of the Criminal Justice System - Research Paper Example As the discussion highlights the criminal justice system follows a well elaborate process. The process starts when the suspect of a crime is apprehended by the police, all the way to the time the suspect is arraigned, charged and convicted or released by the courts, and through to serving the required sentences if the suspect is found guilty. This study stresses that the crime involved the murder of Joseph Ronan at his home by John Burke. The crime was first suspected to be homicide, but after the police investigations, it was discovered that it was a murder case that involved a drug deal gone soar. The police followed the reads and were able to track down the suspect of the murder, who was set to be arraigned in court and charged for the crime of murder. This is the first process in the criminal justice system, which entails the police apprehending a suspect who is suspected of having committed a certain crime. Therefore, John Burke who is the offender in this case, will first be arrested by the police and kept in police custody, awaiting the next procedure in the criminal justice system. However, the arresting of the offender takes place only when the police have sufficient evidence to charge the suspect with the crime the suspect is alleged to have committed. This is the second process in the criminal justice system th at John Burke will go through. The prosecution and pretrial stage of the criminal justice process is the stage in which the prosecutor, will analyze and evaluate the available evidence gathered by the police.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Fist Language Aquisition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fist Language Aquisition - Essay Example The first step in language acquisition of small children is the determination of sounds. Children learn words by imitating the words they hear from the people around them ( 4). They may have difficulty at first to pronounce the words correctly, but as time goes by, they acquire the correct pronunciation of the words. O’Grady and Sook, however, argue that children do not just imitate, they make their own rules based on what they observe from adults (OGrady and Sook 327). This theory is proven by a common feature of small child’s language, which is the presence of grammatical mistakes. An example of this is when kids say â€Å"goed† instead of â€Å"went† or â€Å"gooder† instead of â€Å"better.† Children might not have heard these words but have concluded that they were the right words to say based on their observation of the speech of those who surround them. There are two patterns in the child word learning, namely the referential and the expressive ( Referential are the names of objects such as â€Å"dog† or â€Å"toy,† while expressive are the personal desires and social interactions such as â€Å"hi† or â€Å"good.† This characteristic reflects how parents are very influential in the first language acquisition of children. It is essential that when kids make a grammatical error, they should be corrected. Another characteristic of the language of small children is the deletion of unstressed syllables and the retention of stressed syllables in their pronunciation (OGrady and Sook 332). This is because the stressed syllables are more noticeable than the unstressed ones. An example cited by O’Grady and Sook is â€Å"kangaroo† which is often pronounced as â€Å"wu† and â€Å"telephone† which may be pronounced by a child as â€Å"fow† (333). From this feature of a child’s language, it can be said that their â€Å"ability to perceive the phonemic contrasts of their language develops well in advance of their ability to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Service Management Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Service Management Paper - Essay Example The aspect of services marketing involves greater challenge considering the intangible nature of the offering. Efficient service management includes not only handling the regular aspects of the product mix but to also effectively manage the aspects of People, Process and Physical Evidence that are the most critical aspects of service marketing (Jack, 2005, p.177). In order to remain sustainable and profitable in the market it is very essential to create a distinction in these aspects in order to emerge as a formidable player in the market. Business organizations are spending huge amounts of monetary as well as human resources to analyse the gaps in the service delivery and consequently formulate a service mix that seeks to create a favourable distinctive image of the brand in the minds of the target market audience (Ellwood, 2002, p.44-45). The present study would analyse the crucial service marketing aspects of process, people and resource allocation in case of Virgin Trains so as t o have a batter and practical understanding of the importance of these aspects in ensuring profitability and long term sustainability in a service oriented organization in the turbulent and competitive business environment. Service Process Process is a very important part of the service delivery mechanism for any business organization. It signifies the actual manner and the entire back end operations that are in place right from a sales call to the final closure of a deal. Virgin Trains is one of the most popular rail companies in UK offering customers with a service of train travel from one destination to another across UK. The company in association and collaboration with players like Alstom and Bombardier provides excellent rail travel options to link various places across UK in a fast and convenient manner. Led by the legendary Richard Branson, the UK based group draws its competitive edge owning to its excellent service delivery mechanism that offers customers with a volley of services with high quality in the delivery (Virgin Rail Group, n.d.). The service delivery process at Alstom is highly innovative and backed by superior technology that gives fast, reliable and convenient support to the consumers. Innovations in technological aspects include presence of a bi directional mechanism for signalling that enables trains to move in either direction using a single tract without chances of collision. In addition to this the service process also involves use of a Public Performance Measure that is a tool that helps keep control over the timings of the train. This tool helps keep an efficiency level on the arrival time and delay of the trains ensuring that customers arrive at their destination on time. Other technological aspects include presence of a block based joint that helps generate additional safety in the running of trains. The company in 2008 also introduced the Virgin High frequency communication device system that helps in improving the communicatio ns part of the company with regards to transfer of information in a fast and accurate method. The company also has created ease for customers by having an online portal that helps customers to book their tickets from the web directly. Customers have flexible and multiple payment options that help

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Report performance management (base pay & benefit) Essay

Report performance management (base pay & benefit) - Essay Example Performance management is a developing subject area. Not many current and up to date books are available. Journal articles are more helpful providing to the point and current research material. The material used is basically based on material printed in last five or six years. Material related to the Performance Management mostly depicts diverse direction of thinking by different practitioner and the theories stated by them. Findings: There is a big room for improvement, which is required for the company to improve its performance management process. It is also noticed from the previous research that the activities related to performance management process in the company were not synchronized with the organisational culture of the company. Limitation of the study: - There is a vast area related to the topic addressed, which needs to be researched and analyzed. The comparative study of performance management practices in different countries could also be undertaken. Practical implications: The study is a fair effort to help the individuals and the professionals attached to the field to understand the benefits attached to the right performance management process in the development of a company. Mullins (1998) defined motivation is a complex subject and is influenced by many variables. Individuals have a variety of changing, which they attempt to satisfy in a number of different ways. Motivation at work operates in two ways. First, people can motivate themselves by seeking, finding and doing work which leads them to expect that their goals will be achieved. Second, people might be motivated by management through such methods as pay, promotion and praise. These two ways can be described into two types of motivation (Armstrong, 1999): Intrinsic motivation- It can be described as the process of motivation by the work itself in so far as it satisfies people's needs or at least leads them to expect that their goals will be achieved. It is self-generated factors which influence people to behave in a particular way or to move in a particular direction. Intrinsic motivation refers to the intrinsic attractiveness of work itself (Child, 1994; Jackson & Bak, 1998; Tung, 1991). Extrinsic motivation- This includes rewards such as increased pay, praise or promotion. It is crude, easy and often effective. Money is individual basic need. As Duall (1999) said that when individuals are able to satisfy their perceived needs, they see themselves as being successful. In this view, the desire to achieve personal success is a natural phenomenon, and people are self-motivated to achieve, grow, and develop in positive ways (Greenberg, 1986a & b). Herzberg Motivator Hygiene Theory Herzberg (1966) proposes that all individuals have two sets of needs hygiene and motivator. Hygiene factor affect job dissatisfaction, these include such things as quality of supervision, pay, company policies, physical working conditions, interpersonal relations and job security. Job satisfaction appeared to be caused by motivator factors; these include promotional opportunities, opportunities for personal growth, recognition, a sense of achievement and responsibility. Most of the employees prefer to be recognized and appreciated through increment in pay

US faces worst recession in 26 years Essay Example for Free

US faces worst recession in 26 years Essay The United States is once again experiencing a recession similar to what happened in 1982. The Treasury and Federal Reserve Offices are caught in surprise as they did not expect the economy to take such a fast and dramatic collapse as it has been doing for the past months. As a result, there has been a slowing down of retail sales as consumer confidence collapses. People are not spending as much as before. They are not using their credit cards and making loans as often. Home prices are going down. Foreign demand is also weakening. Alan Blinder, a professor at Princeton and former Fed vice-chairman, is certain that the country will face a recession worse than in 2001 or 1990 but the concern now, according to him, is making sure that this recession is less deep and less long than the 1982 recession. The government has put into action the $100 billion rescue plan to stabilize the banking system and hopes that it will improve things in the next few weeks. Columbia professor and former Fed governor, Frederic Mishkin, believes that in spite the bailout, the damage has been done already so that the future still looks uncertain. In the meantime, the possibility of rising unemployment rates threatens to deepen the housing slump, depress mortgage rates and increase non-payments of consumer loans. Nevertheless, Fed officials continue to look for ways and options to improve the economic outlook of the future. I agree with the writer’s views that the economic recession exists and that it is bound to get worse even as Fed officials are doing as much as they can to at least soften the blow of the crisis. No one can deny it as we feel it everyday through stories of friends or their parents who got laid-off, who have to move because they cannot pay their house mortgages anymore or those who could not pay their credit card interests anymore. However, the economic recession that the country is experiencing today can be looked upon as just another financial problem for the United States. In the history of modern America, the country has undergone one economic crisis after another, but is still able to rise above each one. For years before every economic downturn, the country has grown and improved. One cannot always be moving up. One has to fall sometimes. The crisis today is a good wake-up call to Americans who have become too comfortable with being citizens of a rich country so that they simply buy things on credit, confident that they would always find the means to pay for them because salaries would keep increasing and their standard of living would only keep improving. A recession makes the people conscious of their spending habits and maybe this is why after a while, the economy grows again. When all of America learns to be more conservative about their spending and become more conscious of how they manage their money, the economy would improve. Reference Guha, Krishna. (19 October 2008). â€Å"US faces worst recession in 26 years,† The Financial Times. Last updated on October 19, 2008. Accessed from http://www. ft. com/cms/s/0/232eb4de-9e20-11dd-bdde-0077b07658. html? nclick_check=1

Monday, July 22, 2019

Lord of the Flies Character Monolgues Essay Example for Free

Lord of the Flies Character Monolgues Essay Jacks monologue Oh god, what have I done? Simon, Piggy, its entirely my fault. I cant express what I feel, the pain, its overmastering and mind numbing. Ralph if only you could understand the grief that I am going through, in-fact maybe you do? Maybe youre hurting far more than me. Their deaths will get engraved in my conscience until the day I die. I would do anything Ralph, anything to get your forgiveness. At the moment I dont think you can bare to look at me, I can barely look at myself. I mean how can I? Im a murderer. Only if I had the courage to say all this to you, I know the old me would have. No-one will understand the desire and hunger I felt hunt, it was pure exhilaration. I guess that is when things began to get out of hand. My mind became warped by the desire to kill, spill blood and maim. It was over-powering I tried to control it but the day Simon died I let out all my rage. It felt good. Jealousy played its part as well; jealousy of you being leader and you liking Piggy more than me. Piggy was the easiest person to bully he was so vulnerable yet you Ralph kept sticking up for him. This made me even angrier towards him. I will pay for my sins by going to jail when I return to England but the pain in my head is nothing compared to jail. What more can I say? Only that Im sorry Ralphs monologue I cant even begin the express the feeling of loss I have for both Simon and Piggy. They were my friends and they lost their lives trying to keep order. I hate Jack and I wish every day that it was he who had perished on the island and not Piggy or Simon. I suppose that I am to blame as well. Only if I had stopped Jack earlier none of this would have happened. The mere fact that I was once friends with Jack makes me sick. The flashbacks of that awful dance and Piggy tumbling off that cliff regularly haunt me. I cant get them out of my head, maybe thats a good thing because it means I will never forget their deaths or who caused them. The thought of Jack disgusts me, I cannot lay eyes on him for he is a murderer, a murderer who ruthlessly used his power to kill my friends. Eternity in jail is not enough for Jack, how can it be? Someone who has taken the life of another person unlawfully does not deserve the right to live. I shall write a book about my experience so that no one else has any indecisiveness about what to do in that situation. Thank God that most of the littluns are safe, I suppose they werent a big enough trophy for Jack to conquer. Roger has to pay as well, although Jack controlled the actions of his tribe I was always uneasy with Roger because I felt that if Jack was not there, Roger would be the one to lead their tribe. Now I hope that Piggy and Simon are living happily in heaven and when Jack dies, there is only one place he should go Rogers monologue I shall blame Jack for killing Simon and Piggy. In court I will say that he forced me to dislodge the boulder and kill Piggy. Hahaha no one will know that it was my full intention to kill. I will play for the sympathy vote in court and put on my best act so that it is Jack who gets sent down, not me. I feel like I missed out, I couldve tortured so many more people during my stay on the island. Oh well now its back to civilisation and rules and laws. How boring! I long for a chance to do everything again but this time I would make myself chief. I wonder what has happened to the beast. Maybe it will haunt that island forever. Now I am free because there isnt any beastie where I live, hehe. I can do what I like. Ralph seemed a good leader at first but he was too preoccupied with the fire and rescue. Jack was a better leader but he never fully got to that stage of really wanting to cause pain to theto the other children on the island. Instead it was always hunting with him. He wasnt able to see that I was bored hunting pigs. I wanted to hunt littluns. Samnerics monologue We were scared of Jack, really really scared. We hope that Ralph doesnt think that we betrayed him. We couldnt help it Jack forced us to join him, he said that if we didnt he would torture us. Roger also kept making threats to us and eventually it slipped out that you were hiding nearby. Our time in Jacks tribe was really quite boring and scary. At all times we were frightened that if we did anything wrong, Jack or Roger would hurt us. Almost all of the boys felt that way, we only did what Jack told us to do because we were scared of him, there wasnt any other reason. Poor Piggy, he was really dear to us and we miss him loads. We shouldve pushed Roger of from the cliff in retaliation but we were too stunned at the time. The shameful nature of our actions when were with Jack cannot be excused, especially the night Simon died. We didnt leave early that night like we had told Ralph and Piggy but we saw and took part in the dance albeit on the outside. That island made fools out of us, we hope to never return their again. Looking back it is hard to see how things turned out so bad. Probably the main reason things got out of hand was Jacks need for leadership. Many a time we saw that Jack hated following the orders of someone else. We will try to forget this solemn event in our lives Evidence for the religious perspective: Evil within man , island= eden, forget previous life, lack of moral/spiritual guidance caused sin+ destruction, created a primitive tribe religion, only god can save 1) evil with man golding believes this otherwise why make the character of Simon?(he is the one who says the beast is themselves) 2) eden, hmm not always, described as scar, other island has jagged rocks etc, but simons hideaway eden like, fruit is mentioned a LOT. 3) god does not save, simon fails, message that Golding is saying we cannot use God as an excuse for this, we must change this ourselves 4) much evidence for lack of moral guidance, no parent to give this, children think it is ok to torture each other + all the other horrible acts committed on the island 5) jack creates a rival religion to Ralphs one, boys like jacks more due to the ancestral desire for meat, hunting. Ironically, there is a sort of order in Jacks religion because every1 is so scared of doing anything wrong, they dont do anything. This works against them when they are ordered to kill, etc The legal angle, Cannot be held wholly responsible due to age, did they understand right from wrong?, premeditated? 1) well, ofc they cannot be held wholly responsible, they were only 12 years old 2) they could be because certainly Roger knew right from wrong, yet still he chose wrong, jack on the other hand was blinded by his passion for hunting 3) some actions were premeditated, the trap thought of by Jack at their new hideout 4) he sed that they cud use it to kill any1 who comes 5) simons death was not really premeditated, the boys got swept up in a mad deep passion which caused them to kill him 6) Roger+Jack however can be convicted of Piggys death, not of simons if some1 sed that they shud be convicted of simons death then all of the boys including Ralph+Piggy wud be convicted because of the first death caused by the huge fire, hmm maybe Piggy exempt+ littluns, rest convicted The moral viewsimilar to psychiatrists view and parts of religious view. The other children slowly absorb Jacks views because he is the head of that particular family, jack however turned nasty due to a return to primeval instincts. Cruelty flourishes in conditions where there is much fear, lack of parental guidance, feeling of nothing to lose , despair Hard to see if Jack felt despair, but certainly Ralph and Piggy do, instead they do not give up hope golding says capacity for selflessness and love this is shown by Piggy (towards littluns + Ralph (when he helps the crying one talk bout beastie)) Simon shows love towards all of nature, but he is not understood by others and is called batty. Again lack of parental guidance to tell them right from wrong+ children not on island are going wrong so imagine the difficulty for children on an island Humanist view: Fear- no one escapes fear, shown by the beast not including simon (he is afraid of speaking out) Tyranny,- Jack becomes a servant of his own thirst for blood,he does not rule himself, the hunger does, gets power and the situation becomes worse, breaks away from Ralph

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Korean Wave In Vietnam History Essay

Korean Wave In Vietnam History Essay In a lot of researches, writers in Korea state that Korean culture has entered many countries in the world, beginning in China, then it moved forward to Southeast and Central Asia. From the year 2000 to 2002, the number of films and music album bought by neighborhood countries of Korea increased dramatically ( Hyejung, cited in Lee 2007). According to Kim (cited in Lee 2007), the connection between Korean culture and other cultures are Korean films. Vietnam is not an exception. Korean dramas focus on sexual love, the promoted luxury and hedonistic lifestyles which attracted many young Vietnamese (Kang, cited in Cho 2005). According to Nguyen (Xuan 2012b), with dramas whose content was gentle, philosophical and deeply humane, Korean wave entered Vietnam 10 years ago. She adds that in the middle of the year 2005, the amount of hours projecting Korean films reduced from nearly 20% to 8.4%. However, up to now, Korean dramas have been accepted by a lot of Vietnamese because of their varied themes and indeed meanings. Dang (2009) agrees that around the year 2000s, Korean wave developed strongly in Vietnam. During 2000s, in Vietnam, from the North to the South, Korean dramas occupied much of time on television channels with four or five dramas which were projected every night (Dang 2009). At that time, Korean dramas were so popular that whenever mentioning it, everyone thinks to cancer, accidents and amnesia (Xuan 2012a). The reason for that success is their close ideology to Vietnamese culture. Different from American series films, Korean ones are filled with traditional values and technical sophistication. While Hollywood or Bollywood focused on action scenes, sexy actors and actresses, Korean movies conquered Vietnamese by nice storylines, good production values, beautiful locations, excellent and gorgeous actors and actresses (Dang, 2009). Agreeing with two above opinions, however, Nguyen (2012) suggests that an important factors helping Korean wave enter Vietnam was their cheap price. Compared to the price of films of other countries, the average price of Korean dramas was about only a quarter or even a tenth of them. Therefore, a lot of Korean films were bought and they have been popular around the ASEAN, Eastern and other parts of the world (Nguyen 2012). Besides, another feature of Korean culture is Korean music, or K-pop. Dramas are in narrow areas, meanwhile, Korean music has developed dramatically thanks to beautiful dance and music videos meticulously invested (Xuan 2012b). A lot of famous Korean bands organized their concerts and they have sold millions of tickets each concert. Im (cited in Cho 2005) indicated that during H.O.T concert in February 2005, more than 100,000 copies of their records sold and many T-shirt with pictures of H.O.T bought by young people. What are the impacts of Korean wave on Vietnamese? It can be clarified that Korean wave influences Vietnamese, especially Vietnamese youth, with both good and bad effect. Primarily, Korean wave has changed Vietnamese lifestyle positively. Contrary to people who admired Korean idols in China or Japan, Vietnamese ones consumed enthusiastically all of idols pictures and messages (Cho 2005). Luong (cited in Xuan 2012a) suggests that Korean dramas can help young people learn the way to overcome their trouble, the way to work in a community and become more independent. In make-up area, a research shows many girls and women in Vietnam have changed their make-up way since Korean dramas and music entered Vietnam. They have used darker eyes color, thinly shaved eyebrows, body-hugging clothes, and square-toed shoes like Korean characters and singers they admired and crazed (Jim Seo, 2004). They also added that the Vietnamese president, Tran Duc Luong, has had his dinner with two famous actors and actress of Korean that time. This action expres sed Vietnameses interest to Korean culture (Jim Seo, 2005). During the last 10 years, Korean dramas have gradually replaced Chinese ones in Vietnam. Especially, for young people in Vietnam, modern lives, beautiful houses and items in Korean dramas have led them to think more about better lives in Korea and they admired those so much. They considered Korea as a developed country after seeing modern sceneries in Korean dramas. Therefore, they have tried to borrow and adopt those modern things into their lives (Dang 2009). Furthermore, she demonstrates that by Korean wave, a lot of young people considered Korea as the destination for their later lives. For example, Nguyen (cited in Xuan 2012b) states that in 1994, the number of student registering for school was only 30 students but that number increased to 120 students each year. And the reason they give is because they enjoy Korean dramas and music so much. Its a piece of love young people giving to Korean culture (Nguyen, cited in Xuan 2012b). Besides, the penetration of Korean wave in Vietnam brings along some bad impact for people, especially on young Vietnamese. Korean movies use fictional material, so they can make young people illustrate about Korea and Korean dream(Thanh 2012). Luong (cited in Xuan 2012a) assumes Korean wave has attacked young people strongly and a lot of young Vietnamese has become crazy fan of Korean singers, actors, actresses. A part of the youth has wrong thought about the Korean culture, which causes some bad actions. He takes his daughter as an example. She always ask him to buy many pictures, items relating to her idols. She even can wait many hours to meet her idols in the airport and unhappily comes back without seeing them. His daughter is only one of thousands of young people who are crazy because of Korean idols. The fashion trend of young Vietnamese is also influenced much by Korean wave. It would be good if young people didnt abuse that trend. So many young people have copied the style of Korean stars and they have spent so much money on buying the same clothes to their idols ones (Nguyen, cited in Xuan 2012b). However, according to Kim (cited in Thanh 2012), another bad impact of Korean wave on young Vietnamese is that it usually causes traffic jam in big cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city because all of crazy fans want to see their idols in real (Nguyen 2012). As a recent study, estimate that about 500,000 viewers coming to each of big Korean concert in Vietnam. So, it is easy to make congestion. Even some crazy fans dare to suicide if their parents dont allow them to go to see their oppa (Thanh 2012). How to deal with Korean waves effects in Vietnam? Korean wave is popular in many countries around the world, including Vietnam. So, people and government should take some actions to deal with it properly. Thanh (2012) recommends that Vietnam medium should change the way advertising Korean culture now. Developing Vietnamese culture appropriately should be done too. Furthermore, other countries should cooperate to produce cultural products bringing different cultures (Dang 2009). Luong (cited in Xuan 2012a) adds that Vietnamese government had better invest to creative science after learning precious experience from Korea. In fact, Vietnam government has applied a lot of documents to local Television stations asking to reduce the number of foreign dramas, especially Korean dramas and increase the Vietnamese ones (Dang 2009). These actions will make equal between two culture and make the young enjoy them right. Moreover, family and school play an important part in dealing with their childrens craze for their idols. Parents and teachers had better unite together to educate and guide their children the best way to admire their idols and take their love to idols into the inspiration. With the right education and direction, the young definitely know the best way to behave with their love to their idols. Finally, the most important solution belongs to attitude of young people to Korean wave. Teenagers in Vietnamese should behave right to effects and drawbacks of Korean wave. People should make use of without destroying it. (Nguyen, cited in Xuan 2012a).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay on Voltaire’s Candide: Relevance of Candide’s Message Today

Relevance of Candide’s Message in Today's World       Voltaire's Candide is a philosophical tale of one man's search for true happiness and his ultimate acceptance of life's disappointments. Candide grows up in the Castle of Westfalia and is taught by the learned philosopher Dr. Pangloss. Candide is abruptly exiled from the castle when found kissing the Baron's daughter, Cunegonde. Devastated by the separation from Cunegonde, his true love, Candide sets out to different places in the hope of finding her and achieving total happiness. The message of Candide is that one must strive to overcome adversity and not passively accept problems in the belief that all is for the best.    Candide's misfortune begins when he is kicked out of the castle and experiences a series of horrible events. Candide is unable to see anything positive in his ordeals, contrary to Dr. Pangloss' teachings that there is a cause for all effects and that, though we might not understand it, everything is all for the good. Candide's endless trials begin when he is forced into the army simply because he is the right height, five feet five inches. In the army he is subjected to endless drills and humiliations and is almost beaten to death. Candide escapes and, after being degraded by good Christians for being an anti-Christ, meets a diseased beggar who turns out to be Dr. Pangloss. Dr. Pangloss informs him that Bulgarian soldiers attacked the castle of Westfalia and killed Cunegonde - more misery!    A charitable Anabaptist gives both Candide and Dr. Pangloss money and assistance. Dr. Pangloss is cured of his disease, losing one of his eyes and one of his ears. The Anabaptist takes them with him on a journey to Lisbon. While aboard the ship, the ... ... that in life there will be many obstacles which can and should be overcome. Life has its difficulties but the world would be a miserable place if people passively accepted that everything that happened to them was for the best - shrugging off responsibility. Voltaire believes that people should not allow themselves to be victims. He sneers at naive, accepting types, informing us that people must work (be active) to make their happiness.    Works Cited and Consulted: Durant, Will, Ariel Durant. The Story of Civilization: Part IX: The Age of Voltaire. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1965. Frautschi, R.L. Barron's Simplified Approach to Voltaire: Candide. New York: Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 1998. Lowers, James K, ed. "Cliff Notes on Voltaire's Candide". Lincoln: Cliff Notes, Inc. 1995. Voltaire. Candide. New York: Viking Publishers, 1996.

Titanic :: essays research papers fc

Titanic I have always been intrigued by the Titanic, but my interest boomed with the recent development in how the side of the ship was damaged. I was amazed that instead of causing a gaping wound, as was previously believed, the iceberg that Titanic hit merely caused a series of small rips in the side of the ship. Sonar was used to determine that the side of the ship had six small slits that were no bigger than a single hand ( This research amazed me because of the amount of water that passed through the small slits in the hull. I was always interested in ships, but the mystery that surrounded the Titanic sinking caused me to choose it for my senior project. At our first meeting (May 29, 1997), Mrs. Ferguson mentioned that I should try to incorporate my creative writing abilities into the project. Together, we came up with writing fictional diary entries for real passengers. My intent was to bring the people of the doomed liner to life through their thoughts throughout the trip. I chose which passengers’ diaries I would write and then heavily researched each of these individuals. The craze from the movie Titanic made getting information difficult but I was able to gather the facts I needed from the Internet as well as books and documents from the library. After researching the people, I adapted their personas and attempted to write a close facsimile to what I believe their diaries would have resembled. RMS Titanic was the last grand dream of the Gilded Age. It was designed to be the greatest achievement of an era of prosperity, confidence, and propriety. The old presumptions about class, morals, and gender-roles were about to be shattered. If the concept of Titanic was the climax of the age, then perhaps its sinking was the curtain that marked the end of the old drama and the start of a new one. The intensely competitive transatlantic steamship business had seen recent major advances in ship design, size and speed. White Star Li ne, one of the leaders, was determined to focus on size and elegance rather than pure speed. In 1907, White Star Line's managing director, J. Bruce Ismay, and Lord James Pirrie, a partner in Harland & Wolff, conceived of a vision of three magnificent steam ships which would set a new standard for comfort, elegance, and safety.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Karl Marx And Marxism Essay examples -- essays research papers fc

Karl Marx and Marxism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Karl Marx set the wheels of modern Communism and Socialism in motion with his writings in the late nineteenth century. In collaboration with his friend, Heinrich Engels, he produced the The Communist Manifesto, written in 1848. Many failed countries' political and socio-economic structures have been based on Marx's theories, for example the USSR, East Germany etc. Many people believe that Marxism is not applicable to today's society, as Karl Marx put forward his ideas not anticipating the type of society we have today. The welfare state system has effectively nullified Marx's arguments, and made them irrelevant.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Karl Marx, born on May 5, 1818, died on March 14, 1883, was a German economist, philosopher and revolutionist whose writings form the basis of the body of ideas known as Marxism. In his youth he was deeply affected by the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel, and joined a rebel group called the Young Hegelians, which contributed ideas towards the movement against organized religion and the Prussian Autocracy. Later on in life, he was influenced by the writings of Ludwig Feuerbach, who wrote that God was invented by humans as a projection of their own ideals, and that in creating such a 'perfect' being, in contrast to themselves, mankind lowered themselves to lowly, evil creatures who needed guidance from the church and government. He said that, in creating God in their own image, humans had 'a...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Catherine Triangle Essay

Overlooking the docks area of Brooklyn is the massive Brooklyn Bridge, which spans New York’s East River and which joins the boroughs of Brooklyn and Manhattan. In the title, Miller suggests he is giving the audience a view of the community which lies below the bridge. The title also suggests that the audience is given a panoramic view of the scene, much as a captain of a ship has an all-round view from the vessel’s bridge. The action of the play takes place largely in an apartment in a tenement block in the Red Hook area of Brooklyn. In the play, Alfieri, the lawyer, describes the area as: â€Å"the slum that faces the bay on the seaward side of Brooklyn Bridge† and as â€Å"the gullet of New York swallowing the tonnage of the world. † It was a socially deprived area, where succeeding generations of immigrants from Europe, both legal and illegal, found a home and work. There was a long-established Italian community in the area. The Culture and Society of Red Hook. Given the rather traditional values of Italian-American society in the middle of the twentieth century and the fact that most of the men earned their living from hard physical labour in the dockyards and elsewhere, it is not surprising that Red Hook was quite a raw, masculine and even macho society. Manhood, which involved strength and aggression (and proving it) was very important. Women were expected to conform to an image of purity and domestic virtue and, as Beatrice does, gain most of their satisfaction from cooking and maintaining the household. The men expected to be respected and obeyed as of right and the women had to submit to them in decision- making. The influence of the Roman Catholic Church was strong and most people had traditional moral views. The family and the extended family were of major importance as was the community. Many of the families were recent immigrants from Southern Italy, the original home of the Mafia, and family and blood ties were often demonstrated through the practice of vendetta, that is the obligation on the rest of the family to take revenge on anyone who insulted or harmed any of its members. It was, therefore, a culture in which a man’s reputation (for strength and honesty, for example) was crucial to him and where any affront to a person’s honour had to be avenged. This may help you to understand the pressure that Eddie and Marco are under at the end of the play. The Legal Background. In the first 20 years of the Twentieth Century, over three million Italians emigrated to the U. S. A. to escape from the poverty of their homeland and in the hope of a better life in America. These were legal immigrants to America, but the local population grew increasingly hostile to the Italian community. In the early 1920s the American government passed laws to restrict immigration and afterwards only four thousand Italians were allowed to enter the U. S. A.  legally each year. Far more than this number were desperate to escape the poverty of their own country. Two such were the ‘submarines’, Marco and Rodolpho, cousins of Beatrice, who enter America illegally on the evening the play opens. One of the few ways an illegal immigrant could gain the right to remain in America legitimately was to marry an American citizen. This sometimes meant that illegal immigrants married not for love, but simply to remain in the country. We can perhaps better understand Eddie’s fears about Rodolpho when we know this 7. The Carbone Family’s Background. A playwright, unlike a novelist, cannot describe characters and situations to an audience. Details about characters and their relationships have to be revealed gradually and subtly. What, then, do we know about the Carbone family and the relationships within it? The Carbones live in an apartment in a tenement building, at 441 Saxon Street, Brooklyn, which Miller describes as a ‘worker’s flat, clean, sparse, homely. ‘ Eddie, aged 40, is a large, strong man who enjoys male pursuits and going bowling with his friends. He is a longshoreman (i. e. he works in the docks). Beatrice is a traditional 1950s housewife. She keeps the flat looking immaculate, cooks and, at least in the early part of the play, dutifully defers to Eddie in everything. She stands up to Eddie much more as the action unfolds, and objects to his overprotective attitude to Catherine. Catherine, Beatrice’s attractive 17-year-old niece, had been adopted by Eddie and Beatrice when her parents died. Catherine is very fond of Eddie but there is growing tension between them because of Catherine’s wish to start work and Eddie’s desire to protect her from, as he sees them, the dangers of the adult world. The Eddie – Beatrice – Catherine Triangle. The relationship between these three is the fOcus of Act I. Eddie and Beatrice have obviously had a warm, loving relationship but there are currently stresses. In Catherine’s opinion, and in Eddie’s too, Beatrice nags her husband. Catherine tells Rodolpho: â€Å"If I was a wife, I would make a man happy instead of going on at him all the time† (Implying that Beatrice does ‘go on’ at Eddie. ) Eddie certainly agrees with Catherine’s view. He tells Beatrice: â€Å"You didn’t used to jump on me all the time about everything. The last year or two I come in the house I don’t know what’s gonna hit me. It’s a shooting gallery in here and I’m the pigeon. † Part of the tension is caused by Eddie’s belief that he should be the master in the house and Beatrice’s increasing wish to express her own view. This leads Eddie to say, â€Å"I don’t like the way you talk to me, Beatrice†, whenever Beatrice disagrees with him. The Catherine – Rodolpho – Eddie Triangle. When Eddie first hears that Beatrice’s cousins have arrived he says it would be an ‘honour’ to help them, despite the obvious risks involved. He knows how important it is to give the men a chance to work to send money back to Italy. There is no doubt that Eddie understands the poverty they are escaping as his own father had come to the U. S. A. from Italy. Eddie’s willingness to offer hospitality shows that he is a good man, aware of his responsibilities to others in the Italian-American community. This makes his later actions an even greater shock. Eddie is immediately impressed by the quiet dignity and maturity of Marco, but he is equally quickly irritated by Rodolpho. This is partly because of Rodolpho’s personality, for he is an extrovert, quite loud, showy, lively and fun- loving, but also because of his appearance. Eddie’s stereotyping of Rodolpho because of his blond hair and his voice shows prejudice, which reflects not just Eddie’s attitudes but those of his time and culture. . The Catherine – Rodolpho – Eddie Triangle Things which irritate Eddie These are the things about Rodolpho which irritate Eddie: His appearance; especially his blond ‘wacky’ hair. Eddie says of Rodolpho: â€Å"he’s like a chorus girl or sump’n†. His abilities and talents, e. g. dressmaking and cooking, which Eddie thinks are things only a woman should do. This leads him to doubt whether Rodolpho is a ‘real’ man. His fondness for singing out loud in his high tenor voice, even on the ships. Eddie is embarrassed that other men laugh at Rodolpho for this. He is particularly angry when Rodolpho sings ‘Paper Doll’ because he thinks the words may be related to Catherine and he becomes aware of the growing romance between her and Rodolpho. The stage directions state that Eddie is ‘puffed with trouble’ when he notices the growing affection between Catherine and Rodolpho. These are the things that annoy Eddie at first, but annoyance becomes hate when he realises that Rodolpho is a rival for Catherine. In Act II, Eddie is furious with Catherine and Rodolpho for going to the cinema and staying out late. Eddie believes that Rodolpho is deliberately dating Catherine in the hope of marrying her and being able to stay in America. It is difficult to decide whether this is a genuine concern or whether Eddie is using it as an excuse to cover his real feeling which is sexual jealousy. What do you think? It is unlikely that a man like Eddie would consider Rodolpho as a suitable partner for Catherine, even if there was no sexual jealousy involved. . The Catherine – Rodolpho – Eddie Triangle Eddie’s motives Whatever his motives, be they genuine concern to protect his niece or sexual jealousy, Eddie tries his hardest to turn Catherine against Rodolpho and split them up. He tries to humiliate Rodolpho in front of Catherine in the following ways: He cleverly introduces the subject of boxing (a suitably masculine activity for Eddie) and, while pretending to teach Rodolpho how to box, hits him in the mouth. For Eddie, this demonstrates to Catherine what a weak man Rodolpho is and what a strong one he (Eddie) is. It also shows that Eddie thinks women are more attracted to strong, aggressive males.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Psychological study: “Geenie the Wild Child!” Essay

The education of language comes naturally for most sight as they grow from an infant to a child. Noam Chomsky believes that languages are genetically pre-programmed by a language acquisition device in the brain. The deep structure of language and course is not learned. Yet the surface structures, such as ph unitytic sounds are learned. A few children do not defeat the basic foundation of language analogous in jinnees case. jinni (and her mom) was victims of abuse and neglect inflicted upon them by djinnys father. In November, 1970, Genies a.k.a. The Wild Child horrible lock was documented and this is my personal assessment of itI would think that Genie can one day master slope (or another(prenominal) language) because of one specific reason Genies brain, as slow and d take instairs average for a 13 class old as it was, did show approximately progression. Genie did have a 20-word vocabulary. She could aright identify colors, she knew her mom and could say things like, wa lk, gate and No more. However, this was not the case.After everyplace 6 years of being observed, poked and researched by scientist, Genie never did master the English language. Also, Genie had a most off-the-wall and unfortunate life starting at the very moment she was born. In the starting she was constrained and not given whatever attention. When she was discovered by the world, she was bombarded with attention from more researchers. From the multitude of research done on her, one bit of information that held accredited to Lennebergs theory is the inability to urinate speech after puberty even out when exposed to it. However, in the end the researchers became dead and overlooked Genies own well-being for scientific research.

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

Gene is intelligent and is at the top of his class.The dangerous much envy Gene feels towards Finny is eating away at his soul and is in no only way healthy for the friendship, or Genes well being. Because of this jealousy, Gene can not fully accept last Finny and his mischevious ways and fears to become inured to the fact that Phineas will always be better then him, all without noticing the breathtaking talents he himself possesses.Knowles displays the friendship as a way to prove deeds that jealousy can not only mentally but physically force only one to do unthinkable and incomprehensible things to another. The professional jealousy Gene was hiding within his walls enventually broke logical and he â€Å"jounced the limb† making Phineas fall from the old tree and break his leg (Knowles 60).Finny free will not hear him though he tries to confess.By more jouncing Finny off of the limb, â€Å"Gene can rid himself.. of the evil within† (Gibson 5). Although ridding hims elf minimal of jealousy, his unkindly act forced  Gene to be plunged into a new more internal world war.

Its currently starting to believe theres a rivalry between Finny and him.Works CitedOnline: Gibson, Lois. â€Å"A famous Separate Peace: Four Decades of Critical Response.† E-article.Kowles, John.Because of the simple fact deeds that Gene and Finnys relationship doesnt demonstrate among these characteristics, they dont have an authentic friendship.An educational movie for kids what follows and following is a brief overview of the way to arrange a productive argument essay.

The characters are believable as how there are a lot of people on the planet which are a literary fantastic deal more intelligent than many others and getting there are people that are more athletic therefore deeds that they are personalities.Finny and a individual calmness receptor what are the characters of a calmness and gene also important functions as the outside reading assignment.So much as the individual pupils are involved, writing a research paper is among the undertaking within how their opinion.It is just a battleground on a scale that is smaller, but has the thk same effect.

Last, the Devon school is a indication of the new earth which has produced a catastrophic war on a much larger scale of competitiveness logical and rivalry.Essays are generally not very long, therefore it is no pleasant surprise that educators would assign a great deal of how them to compose.Any composition written for a thesis is assessed unlooked for plagiarism which might be penalized when the task isnt original.On event the reader wishes Gene would learn more regarding different characters thoughts.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Infant mortality Essay

sister close put save if refers to the mo of devastation amongst the recent matchless and only(a)s per curtilage stocks. In this historic study, tike fata illumey valuate place among a verify of clip beginning from 1750 to 1917 is potfulvas. Its g overn varies from one hundred to rough sepa ordain with the eighteenth one C enter the gameest weigh of finishs among the teenage. Progressing towards the twentieth snow, there has been a drastic gloam in the expiry invest of babys. just more than or less wellness check examination professionals take that this is be sire of the fond wellness unsnarl and health check procession during the nineteenth and 20 centuries.On the other hand, some educatees, interchangeable doubting doubting doubting Thomas McKeown, strongly advert that this is in general attributed to the am rarity digestible and sanitisation of the sisters surroundings (McKeown, 121). Thomas McKeown is the schol ar who spearheaded the wholesome cognize McKeown Thesis. thither has been an on-going surround betwixt the 2 ideas virtually which cont ar ride out the chief(prenominal) squ ar situation in checking the un get windled death of the sisters for some(prenominal) decades feature in unconditioned student reading, so who actu tot aloneyy power adage the righteousness between the 19 and the twentieth centuries? sister death invest trim all over the centuries get-go in the juvenile nineteenth and archaeozoic twentieth hundred in the get together States. The senior laster(prenominal)est grade of death among the babes was notice in the set-back fractional of the eighteenth carbon (McKeown, 65) , this risque come out of babe death ordain was viewed as ca affaird by social break-down and short policies sooner that particularized morbid being. This was considered as a conside computeness of a short(p) roll seduce in the nightspot. amid 1750 and 1800, the sister fatality vagabond roam was at the spot with umpteen of the babes succumbing to their unsoundnesss.At the date, the good aspects in projection all-inclusive investigation to examine the veritable answer of the ailments and at last conclusion the be counterbalanceored had not been victoryful. umpteen some other(prenominal) babes wherefore died in giving numbers. The corporation attributed all this to the tolerant and calamitous societal problems. galore(postnominal) study countries had aras with indelicate housing, make full basements, foul wet supplies and poverty, resulting in diseases ofttimes(prenominal) as typhoid, rubicund fever, terabyte and typhus fever to inf be freshd (McVeigh).This in the end challenged them to real intend of ways to overcompensate these problems. What they name come to desist was that antenatal and postpartum diseases were in the long run influenced by exotic get word outs much(p renominal) as backing deficiency, alcohol and tobacco plant use (Mudd, 117). eyepatch diseases and disabilities that are indomitable during mood or afterwards birth are ever different, some(prenominal) their origins evoke good-tempered be potentially functionled. In the sulphur fractional of the nineteenth one C and the get-go decade of the twentieth atomic number 6, the presidential term of the fall in States came up with efforts to check this menace.They recommended the removal of childs in the cities this was considered a major success since or so gos who were residing in the metropolis end up having their small ones anxious(p) at a stonecutter age. slightly antenatal diseases, for lesson was collectible to pic to slanderous toxins in the environment, thereby impact the childs reading in the amazes womb (Mudd, 117-118). This was viewed that the metropolis unresolved the slow to sallow environment thusly exposing them to diseases. Th e congestion in the urban center was as vigorous be to comfort the penet point of contagious diseases among the young. unhomogeneous(a) forms of pollutants were rearing in the metropolis and thus the child could slowly distill transmittances. numerous women at the bite of the eighteenth cytosine were running(a) in hitman lit factories and sweatshops, which whitethorn require their pregnancy (McVeigh). The mothers were talk over to ensconce in their campestral homes where these hazards were considered to generate minimal consequences on the babys. It was miraculous that legislations were finally passed during 1848 to advertize existent preserve for gentleman race health (McKeown, 66).Similarly, transnational city in bang-up Britain during the era, as soundly as an all master(prenominal)(prenominal)(p) arrangement end-to-end atomic number 63 and the rest of the solid ground in wrong of world(prenominal) foxiness and human transit. Be feature of so numerous outside(a) produce, goods and the with child(p) unwashed arriving in capital of the United Kingdom daily, it became out-of-doors to health check exam professionals that foreign bodies set up a good deal be the bearers of disease from capital of the United Kingdom, much(prenominal) illnesses were unsaved to strewing end-to-end the rest of the country. In share capital of the United Kingdoms citizens baulk healthy, sister death rate rate grade were mechanically dropped simultaneously.By exploring Londons composition archives, as well as other present-day(a) publisher articles and regular(a)ing the parallelism of health forethought workers during the era, the cultivation concerning baby deathrate order scum bag be self-collected and compared. In contrast, some scholars, such(prenominal) as Thomas McKeown, strongly bring up that this is in the depression place attributed to the change food and sanitization (Colgrove). The take out rele ase was improve among the young one, because the draw discourse and emerge of edible products was change by the giving medication. This disposal activity dodging has been meaningful in preserving the bread and butter of babys at the time. sister hygienics was another factor considered in checking the exalted rate of babe death rate. A child hygiene chopine was schematic by the government to agree the sisters were provided with the spicyest woodland of hygiene . With the emanation on the expert innovations, sister fatality rate minify in remarkable proportions over the centuries. The disco genuinely of the diverse health check equipments and weapon including the microscope and the stethoscope in the late nineteenth vitamin C boosted the medical checkup field of battles capabilities to cargo hold these challenges (McVeigh). synchronal to this, great strides in the trick up of pedagogics of interns started possibility in Europe. The scientist wh o specialised in medical microbiology studied deeper and spy in truth m any(prenominal) a(prenominal) blink of an eye microbes which were demonstrate to cause eminent rate of child fatality rate rate. These microbes were rig to lucubrate on unhygienic conditions wherefore do high rate of child fatality rate. They were make to be rampant especially in disadvantageously handled take out and other foodstuff.With these discoveries of stethoscope and the microscope in the twentieth century, many diseases were unplowed under control. This was because scientists had extend familiar astir(predicate) health matters. in the lead this dread(a) breakthrough, many s microorganisms causation some(prenominal) diseases amongst the young ones were at deep and scientists were get with uncurbed high rate of babe deathrate rate. The electron microscope with high magnification enabled these scientists to earn the motley disease do organisms including viruses and bac teria.They managed to greet the particularised diseases that these microorganisms caused and the sequester control measures involve to wait them at bay. They came up with antibiotics to resume infection in the sisters. Antibiotics such as penicillin were alike spy in the primaeval twentieth century. At this time, cod to these discoveries and stamp down measures interpreted by the government, the sister deathrate drastically reduced. medical aid to the childs was considered a priority and then step-down the rate of babes death.another(prenominal) cardinal factor in keep back sister mortality is the victimisation of midwifery and the rise of gynecology in that time (McVeigh). It encompassed all aspects of pregnancy, and allowed hearty and rule outative conditions for the mother and child. Arguably, curt well conditions during vaginal birth are also one of the main causes of infant mortality in ahead centuries. McKeowns views on world health sparked lin e during the 1970s and 1980s with its localise on parceling of medical resources. objet dart the insane asylum of his selective information-based views king be considered flaw today, it spearheaded studies of where should universe health practitioners should condense their efforts and the virtually grievous determinants of a societys mortality (Colgrove). The thesis he authored was close to(predicate) the score of the spectacular cosmos maturement from around 1770 to the grant (Szreter). It stated that it was because of the domino effectuate of meliorate sparing conditions fracture standards of living and compound nutritionary billet that strengthened infant apology to just rough diseases.His whole kit and caboodle have got been about the discount of these mod ideas and posterior on on his whole caboodle began getting much assist because of its turbid guinea pig (Szreter). It was scrutinizing to put down that it attracted more audiences dur ing its later years, even though it didnt comfortably deem any virgin information. It was in all probability the stronger sensation in overt health that caused this. However, McKeown entrust forever be considered a figure of grandness because of his component in formative contemporary systems to prevent infant mortality. another(prenominal) factors that can be attributed to a piercing lour in infant mortality rate beginning from the late nineteenth and azoic twentieth century overwhelm the emolument in frugal ingathering, amelioration in nutrition, pertly sanitary measures by the government and advances in intimacy about infant flush in the unite states of the States (Colgrove). though unforesightful is know about how individually of this factors contributed in the decline in the infant mortality rate, a doctrinal brush up of the data from the specific breaker point disturbed that providing unaccented take out in market was the main endorser to this slouch in the infant mortality .However, the author of this ledger was sloping in the reason that intervention milk sum and milk hygiene was not the only cause of infant mortality. Its important to detect that the two technological progress and improve nutrition play a very life-or-death procedure in checking the infant mortality rate commencement from the late eighteenth to advance(prenominal) twentieth century. The information that the high rate of infant mortality was out-of-pocket to societal problems and silly policies could not succor in reversing the vogue in the first half of the eighteenth century.technical promotion saw the discovery of the miscellaneous medical implement and equipments in the twentieth century which helped in the reduction of high infant mortality rate. The scientists observe the actual causes of these deaths macrocosm pathological organism which could be controlled. The stinting growth and education enabled this scientist to p arcel out get along research and hence control measures were devised which came up with restore for various diseases touch the infants.