Saturday, January 25, 2020
Progeria Report Essay -- essays research papers fc
Genetics determine the traits an individual will inherit from their parents. In society today, the role of genetics is crucial; they decide ones physical appearance as well as their personality. However, if there is a mutation located in one of the genes that a child receives it is very likely a deformity will be present. A rare yet fatal defect from a gene mutation such as this is Progeria. This disorder is an unfortunate one that may occur in two forms, either Hutchison-Gilford Progeria or Werner syndrome. Not only do they affect the bone structure and appearance of the child, but they substantially shorten their life spans. Hutchison-Gilford disorder was first discovered and described by John Hutchison in 1886. However, in 1904 Hastings Gilford named the disorder Progeria after doing some of his own research on it (Malady). Approximately a year after Gilford presented his Progeria research, Otto Werner discovered a disorder by which he called "inaugural-dissertation". It was not until about 1935 that Oppenheimer and Kugel named â€Å"innaugaral dissertation†Werner Syndrome (Werner). Progeria is a very rare disorder, affecting one out of eight million children in the Hutchison-Gilford form. Werner Syndrome is more common yet still infrequent, affecting one out of one million children. Both types of Progeria affect specific ethnicities; Hutchison-Gilford occurs most frequently in Caucasians, while Werner Syndrome affects mostly children of the Japanese and Sardinian background. This disorder is fatal in both cases, although the life span of one with Werner Syndrome, living to the age of approximately 46, is significantly longer then one with Hutchison-Gilford who will only live to the age of 13 (Werner). Progeria is commonly referred to as "early aging disease"; however, this disorder has nothing to do with a child aging rapidly. The symptoms of Progeria in both Hutchison-Gilford and Werner are very similar and they do appear to speed the aging process. A child with Hutchison-Gilford has an entirely bald head and face. Their scalp, veins and eyes are clearly more prominent then a child without this disorder. The child's jaw will appear small and many times, he will be toothless, for Progeria causes delayed tooth formation. In addition, a child will ... ... Werner is more common, but much less well known (Kugler). Progeria is a fatal, unfortunate disease. The fact that deformed children are completely mentally fit, and know they are different is terrible. It must be hard to handle stares, smirks, pointing fingers, and still have to cope with the fact that you will probably not live past fifteen years old. The public needs to be more educated on this disease, and not treat it as so much of a sick deformation. Infected children may look different, but they are the same as anyone else. There are many organizations around that are collecting money for the furthering of research, and to educate the public. I could never imagine being the parent who has to make a choice of having a possibly mutated baby. Even with the odds in your favor, imagine choosing to have a baby, than discovering he will be born infected and you will outlive your son. Making that choice must be incomprehensivly difficult for both parents involved. Progeria is a mutation that needs to be dealt with very soon. Works Cited Malady of the Month-Progeria. Kugler, Mary. Progeria Syndroms. Werner Syndrome.
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