Saturday, January 25, 2020
Progeria Report Essay -- essays research papers fc
Genetics determine the traits an individual will inherit from their parents. In society today, the role of genetics is crucial; they decide ones physical appearance as well as their personality. However, if there is a mutation located in one of the genes that a child receives it is very likely a deformity will be present. A rare yet fatal defect from a gene mutation such as this is Progeria. This disorder is an unfortunate one that may occur in two forms, either Hutchison-Gilford Progeria or Werner syndrome. Not only do they affect the bone structure and appearance of the child, but they substantially shorten their life spans. Hutchison-Gilford disorder was first discovered and described by John Hutchison in 1886. However, in 1904 Hastings Gilford named the disorder Progeria after doing some of his own research on it (Malady). Approximately a year after Gilford presented his Progeria research, Otto Werner discovered a disorder by which he called "inaugural-dissertation". It was not until about 1935 that Oppenheimer and Kugel named â€Å"innaugaral dissertation†Werner Syndrome (Werner). Progeria is a very rare disorder, affecting one out of eight million children in the Hutchison-Gilford form. Werner Syndrome is more common yet still infrequent, affecting one out of one million children. Both types of Progeria affect specific ethnicities; Hutchison-Gilford occurs most frequently in Caucasians, while Werner Syndrome affects mostly children of the Japanese and Sardinian background. This disorder is fatal in both cases, although the life span of one with Werner Syndrome, living to the age of approximately 46, is significantly longer then one with Hutchison-Gilford who will only live to the age of 13 (Werner). Progeria is commonly referred to as "early aging disease"; however, this disorder has nothing to do with a child aging rapidly. The symptoms of Progeria in both Hutchison-Gilford and Werner are very similar and they do appear to speed the aging process. A child with Hutchison-Gilford has an entirely bald head and face. Their scalp, veins and eyes are clearly more prominent then a child without this disorder. The child's jaw will appear small and many times, he will be toothless, for Progeria causes delayed tooth formation. In addition, a child will ... ... Werner is more common, but much less well known (Kugler). Progeria is a fatal, unfortunate disease. The fact that deformed children are completely mentally fit, and know they are different is terrible. It must be hard to handle stares, smirks, pointing fingers, and still have to cope with the fact that you will probably not live past fifteen years old. The public needs to be more educated on this disease, and not treat it as so much of a sick deformation. Infected children may look different, but they are the same as anyone else. There are many organizations around that are collecting money for the furthering of research, and to educate the public. I could never imagine being the parent who has to make a choice of having a possibly mutated baby. Even with the odds in your favor, imagine choosing to have a baby, than discovering he will be born infected and you will outlive your son. Making that choice must be incomprehensivly difficult for both parents involved. Progeria is a mutation that needs to be dealt with very soon. Works Cited Malady of the Month-Progeria. Kugler, Mary. Progeria Syndroms. Werner Syndrome.
Friday, January 17, 2020
China in the Twentieth Century Essay
The Long March took place from October 1934 – October 1935. It meant that communism was not completely wiped out by the Kuomintang, that the people of China learnt about communism and supported the communists, that the Kuomintang got control of the south of china and most of the communists died from illness, exposure and Kuomintang attacks. At the time it was significant because otherwise all the communists would have been annihilated. Its effects were not seen immediately but in the short term still it allowed the communist army to gather their strength and troops and meant that when they tried to take back the country the ordinary people of China knew about communism and its benefits and would support them over the Kuomintang. This also meant that when the Japanese invaded in 1936 they were strong enough and had enough support to fight and defeat them. In the Long term however, after 1949 when China was declared communist the Long March did not really have many effects. It was used in propaganda, as an example of the strength and determination of the communists but other than that it had no direct effects. The Revolution of the Double Tenth in 1911 was another event in the history of China. As a short-term cause it meant that China was free of imperial rule and became a democracy. It also led to the setting up of the Kuomintang and freedom from the tyranny of the Emperors. However, like the Long March for ordinary people it did not make much difference. Instead of being oppressed by the Emperors they were still living in poverty, oppressed by the Warlords. In the long term the Revolution of the Double Tenth meant that different political parties could be formed, including the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party. It opened the way for change so that different ruling parties could have the chance to make a difference to China and gave more importance to the ordinary people of China, not just the Aristocracy. In 1949 Communist China was formed. In the short term this was very significant. Whereas the Long March and the Revolution of the Double Tenth did not really improve the lives of the ordinary people in the short term, this event lead quickly to land being divided between the peasants and the old cruel landlords being persecuted and punished. The communists helped the country recover from the damage the civil war had caused enough that extra food grown could be sold and government controlled factories could produce goods to sell in the first of Mao Zedong’s ‘5 Year Plan’s. However the communists wanted everyone to be equal so everyone was paid the same, whether they worked or not. This meant everyone did as little work as possible and were all equally poor instead of equally rich. Also, unlike the Long March and the Revolution of the Double Tenth where different political parties were set up or protected as part of the effects the creation of Communist China meant all other political parties were banned. The remaining Kuomintang members fled to the island of Taiwan. In the long term the creation of Communist China lead to the Cultural Revolution where schools and universities were shut down and teachers and intellectuals were persecuted. This was because Chairman Mao, the leader of Communist China decided that China was not communist enough, and that people were turning back to the old capitalist ways. It also meant that after Chairman Mao’s death in 1976 there was a struggle between different political leaders in the Chinese Communist Party to decide who would be the next leader of China. Deng Xiaoping won and became the next leader of China. Deng’s reforms from 1979-1980 had a lot of short-term effects like the formation of Communist China and were very significant in the short term. Deng restored the capitalist economy system, opened up China to foreign trade and allowed farmers to sell their food for private profit. He set up Special Economic Zones and developed them to improve industry, which lead to the growth of Chinese exports by 500% and introduced wage incentives to encourage workers to work hard. He also brought back universities so that young people could study again and overall modernised the whole of China. Nevertheless Deng kept many of the communist ideas, including the anti-democracy stand that lead to the Tiananmen Square demonstrations and the massacre of the protesters by the army at Deng’s orders. In the long term China continues to modernise and expand economically in the capitalist way that Deng introduced. However it is still not that long since Deng’s reforms took place so we cannot be sure what other long-term effects they may have. I do believe that the Long March was significant in the history of China in the Twentieth Century because it meant the communists survived to defend the country against the Japanese and win back the country from the Kuomintang as well as gaining the support of the people to be able to do this. However I think that the most significant event in the history of China in the Twentieth Century was the formation of Communist China. This is because it affected everyone in the country, unlike the Long March and the Revolution of the Double Tenth which did not really effect the ordinary people in China or change their lives that much. Also it brought an end to the Civil war that led to a period of peace that meant modernisation and social and economic changes could occur, unlike the Long March and the Revolution of the Double Tenth, which lead to more Civil war and rebellions. It also had many short-term and long-term effects, more so than any of the other events I have covered here and lead to political, social and economic change, whereas Deng’s reforms only really lead to economic change and modernisation.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Fifth Amendment The Fourth Amendment - 1681 Words
Fifth Amendment The Fifth Amendment (Amendment V) which is followed by the United States Constitution belongs to the part of the Bill of Rights and will protect each and every individual from being compelled to witnesses against themselves in all sorts of criminal cases. Pleading the Fifth is a sort of informal term used generally for invoking the right which allows the witnesses to decline the chance of answering the questions which may lead the answers that might incriminate them, and basically it wouldn’t provide any criteria to suffer a penalty to propound the right. This sort of evidentiary privilege makes sure that defendants generally the accused cannot be coercing to become the witnesses at their own trials. If, however, by any†¦show more content†¦The Fifth Amendment protects each and every individual, not just citizens. Top most scholars taken this into consideration and stated that the Fifth Amendment which is familiar to almost every individual can be classified by breaki ng down into five distinct constitutional rights: †¢ Right to accusation of serious crime by the grand jury before any criminal charges for illegal crimes. †¢ A prohibition on double jeopardy. †¢ A right against forced self-incrimination. †¢ A guarantee that all criminal defendants have a fair trial. †¢ A guarantee that government cannot seize private property without making a due compensation at the market value of the property. In consideration when the Fifth Amendment originally applied only to federal courts, then during that time U.S. Supreme Court has incorporated partially the 5th amendment to all the states through Fourteenth Amendment which is the Due Process Clause. The incorporation of right to indictment by the Grand Jury has not been followed, right against self-incrimination, right against double jeopardy, and the protection against arbitrary taking of a private property have all been incorporated to the states without due compensation. Grand Juries Deeply-rooted in the Anglo-American tradition, the grand jury which was originally introduced a very long backShow MoreRelatedThe Fourth Amendment And Fifth Amendment1585 Words  | 7 PagesThe three amendments that are used to protect the rights of those accused of a crime include, the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment protects the right of people to be secure in their persons, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. (Peak, 2015, p.181). The Fifth Amendment protects the accused against self-incrimination, double jeopardy, and life, liberty, and property. 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