Thursday, October 31, 2019
In the British and American systems of government, power is ultimately Essay
In the British and American systems of government, power is ultimately held by prime minister and president respectively - Essay Example The president for instance can be removed from office for important crimes such as treason or the accepting of bribes. There are differences in the two positions. The president, immediately upon taking office, becomes head of the various armed services, whereas in the United Kingdom these offices are held by others. The president, together with the vice president, make up the executive. The post of deputy prime minister is a very new one in the United Kingdom, coming in only with Margaret Thatcher, yet in recent years there have been several instances of others being in charge on a temporary basis, as when for instance the prime minister is out of the country. The American President takes his power wherever he goes. Powers of the President The History Learning Site ( 2000) cites Bowles as having said ‘ The President of America is not the Government of America.’ The theory, if not always the practice, is that the executive, the judiciary and the elected legislature, all w ork together to achieve what is believed best for America. The President has to be perceived as the strong and decisive leader of his nation, yet at the same time must spend hours in negotiation if he wants to achieve his desired ends. Bowles is also quoted as having said ‘A president cannot lead unless he appreciated the perspectives of other elected politicians and accepts their legitimacy.’ A president has an inner cabinet - his advisors on various aspects. In theory these can come from any political background , so that only the president and vice president may share a party, because those felt to be the best at particular tasks are chosen, whatever their affiliations. There are some things however that the president is able to do by himself, although of course even here he may ask for advice. These areas are to do with appointments to various high offices –ambassadors, federal judges and the justices in the Supreme Court, as well the members of his cabinet. Except in cases of impeachment he also has the right to grant reprieves and pardons. He can recommend certain legislation, and also has the power to veto bills presented. This power is again not absolute. If two thirds or more of Congress disagree with his decision things go no further. He can make treaties with other countries, but again he requires a majority of two thirds of Congress to agree. Powers of the Prime Minister Being elected as head of his party and then winning a general election is not the end of things for a British Prime Minister. He must then be formally invited to form a government by the reigning monarch. After that he can stay as long as he wishes, or is able to maintain the confidence of his party and the electorate. In theory that could be for the rest of his life, but in practice elections intervene and people make new choices. Sir Robert Walpole was head of government for more than 20 years. In 1746 the Earl of Bath was asked to form a government, but prove d unable to get others to agree to serve with him. He lasted only 2 days. The greatest limit upon any prime minister’s power is his own political party. Without the support of all elected members his position becomes a weak one
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