Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Ethical Problems Of The Military Logistics System
As far back as 1775 and most likely before that ethical problems have plagued the military logistics system, to include contracting of logistical support. Throughout our history, whenever there was a mobilization to support a conflict there was a good possibility that there would be some amount of fraud, waste or abuse introduced into the logistical system. (Huston, 1997) This paper will discuss some the different types of fraud, waste or abuse that can occur. It will also cover some recent cases from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan where military, contractors or both have worked to defraud the government and will conclude with some things that can be done to fight fraud in the future. Though logistics and contracting are elements of the military organization, the contracting out of logistical support is an area that is rife for lax ethics. During the solicitation phase the contracting officer may try to structure the contract so that only one contractor is capable of fulfilling it. This is done through making the technical specifications or terms of the contract so specific that only one bidder is able to meet the terms. (af.mil) Another thing that is done, is submitting requests under a certain price threshold to draw less scrutiny when they are reviewed. The Veterans Administrations is dealing with a case like this right now. Purchasers are buying prosthetic limbs on their Government Purchase Cards, just under the $25K limit so a contract doesn’t have to go outShow MoreRelatedArmy: A Profession of Arms Essay831 Words  | 4 Pagespreparation. Profession doesn’t mean only to be perfectly prepared on the basis of theoretical aspects, but to m eet the strict criteria as well. A good professional should be a leader and leadership means solving problems. Leaders can be assessed according to the amount of resolved problems. Everybody has a tendency to be successful, in trying this; a successful leader has to be confident in his decisions. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Faith And The American Of The Philippines - 1096 Words
Faith Daniel is a forty-six-year-old denizen of Montgomery, Texas of Chinese descent. Even though Faith was born in the Philippines, she is profoundly influenced by her Chinese ancestry. Her ancestors moved from China to the Philippines due to a World War. She has three sisters. Faith is a certified teacher with teaching experience in the private school sector. Impressively, she can verbalize English, Mandarin, French, and dactylology. The Chinese culture places more value on male children because they carry on the family name. Therefore, when Faith s mother was pregnant with her fourth female child she was offered to trade her baby for a cousin s male child. Faith s parents refused to trade causing a significant disgrace to the family.†¦show more content†¦For instance, their house had to be thoroughly cleaned. Trash was not allowed in the house this day in fear that the family would have trash in their life all year long. Traditionally, new red clothing was laid out for ea ch person and had to be worn. Red envelopes placed under pillows contained an even amount of money. A feast prepared on New Year s Eve was available on New Year s Day. However, cooking was not allowed on the first day of the new year. Fu, the red Chinese symbol of luck, was placed upside down in their doorway to allow luck to flow into their home. Faith is able to identify various prejudices in her culture. In the Philippines, the Chinese people looked down on the Filipinos. The Filipino people were not very accepting of the Chinese because they considered them to be much smarter than they were. Her grandfather had paramount influence in the family s affairs. Faith recalls being taught that you must always marry into the same status. Her greatest fear is disrespecting her parents. Faith s father chose which college his daughters would attend and even selected their major area of study. If they did not follow his wishes, that would be a tremendous disgrace to the family. Faith s grea test success is her children. She is extremely proud that she has been able to pass down her Chinese heritage to them. Furthermore, she attributes her successes and accomplishments to her mother s lofty
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Business Economics †Regression Analysis Free Essays
Effect of Ratio Profitability: Return on Asset (ROA) and Return of Equity (ROE) to Stock Price of PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) Tbk. Ratio profitability, Return on Asset (ROA) and Return of Equity (ROE), of a firm is used as one of parameters for investor to decide whether they want to invest or not. The following table consists of ROA and ROE as well as the stock price of PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) Tbk. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Economics – Regression Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now , as one of the largest bank in Indonesia, from year of 2002 up to 2011. Table 1. ROA, ROE and stock price of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. tahun 2002-2011 Year| Stock Price(Y)| ROA(X2)| ROE(X2)| 2002| 2500| 2. 17| 22. 08| 003| 3325| 2. 36| 24. 87| 2004| 2975| 3. 04| 32. 52| 2005| 3400| 3. 41| 32. 33| 2006| 5200| 3. 43| 33. 58| 2007| 7300| 1. 68| 16. 47| 2008| 5778| 3. 14| 33. 16| 2009| 5645| 3. 17| 32. 11| 2010| 4284| 3. 28| 31. 23| 2011| 3674| 2. 65| 24. 16| Using regression analysis we want to determine the relationship between ROA, ROE and stock price of PT BCA Tbk. In this case, ROA and ROE are the independent or explanatory variable (X), while stock price is the dependent variable that we want to explain (Y). Regression Analysis SUMMARY OUTPUT| | | Regression Statistics| Multiple R| 0. 13028475| R Square| 0. 016974116| Adjusted R Square| -0. 63890422| Standard Error| 1710. 529517| Observations| 10| ANOVA| | | | | | | df| SS| MS| F| Significance F| Regression| 2| 353656. 3| 176828. 15| 0. 060435241| 0. 941840446| Residual| 7| 20481378. 6| 2925911. 229| | | Total| 9| 20835034. 9| | | | | Coefficients| Standard Error| t Stat| P-value| Lower 95%| Upper 95%| Lower 95. 0%| Upper 95. 0%| Intercept| 5361. 609293| 2796. 526605| 1. 917238793| 0. 096721961| -1251. 125335| 11974. 34392| -1251. 125335| 11974. 34392| X Variable 1| -142. 3275587| 3749. 125063| -0. 037962873| 0. 970777259| -9007. 599603| 8722. 944486| -9007. 599603| 8722. 944486| X Variable 2| -19. 7879081| 375. 1702777| -0. 051919867| 0. 960043105| -906. 6155278| 867. 6579462| -906. 6155278| 867. 6579462| From the summary output we can estimate the linear relationship between the stock price (Y) and ROA (X1), ROE (X2) in the form of equation below: Y= 5361. 6092 – 142. 3275 X1 – 19. 4788 X2 The result indicates that for each 1% decrease in ROA and ROE; the stock price decrease by IDR142. 3275 (the estimated coefficient of X1) and IDR19. 4788 (the estimated coefficient of X2) also, respectivel y. To understand how significant the independent variable can explain the dependent variable, we can observe from t-stat data. The critical value of t at the 0. 05 level of significance is 2. 365 (from table of the t distribution). The analysis result show that t-stat value below the critical value of t = 2. 365. It means that at the 5% level of significance, we accept there is no significant relationship between ROA, ROE and stock price. We need more variable better than just ROA and ROE to picture the movement of price stock. The two variables, ROA and ROE, are not enough to explain the stock price of PT BCA Tbk. Now, we want to see how good is the model or how much the explanatory power of the model by looking at R2 data. R2 measures how much of the variation in the firm’s stock price is explained by the variation in its ROA and ROE. The analysis result shows that the value of R2 is 0. 016974116, extreme to 1. It means that none of the variation in stock price was explained by the variation in ROA and ROE. In conclusion, looking at the value of t-stat and R2, variable ROA and ROE is not enough to explain the movement of stock price PT BCA Tbk. We need to add more variables to get more description how the stock price change and how significant and sensitive the variables impact to stock price. How to cite Business Economics – Regression Analysis, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Commercial Cookery Certificate
Question: Discuss about theCommercial Cookery Certificate. Answer: Introduction This is a response towards my environmental sustainability review and it includes among other things, a discussion for improvements as well as a detailed implementation plan for improvement. It comprises among other things the resources and tools that will be required, the techniques to be applied, the impact that the plan will have on other people and a budget on how much will be spend on the whole plan. There are various resources that will be required in order to make this course a success and these include among others books, cooking pans, and uniforms. Qualifications in Commercial Cookery Certificate provide students with the practical knowledge skills for organizing, preparing, and cooking clean food in a commercial kitchen environment. The plan will comprise of effective occupational health, communication, workplace hygiene, and safety procedures (Turner Wilks, 2016). The course will comprise of skills that will be used in the production of quality foods, preparation of food, and plan menus that will based on cultural or dietary needs, working as part and parcel of a team, controlling costs, and serving various meals in a professional way. This plan will have a significant impact impacts on other fellow students who not only operate independently, but also with limited guidance from the supervisors. In order for my team to succeed, I will ensure that they are well trained and supported in all the aspects of commercial cookery. This will be done by calling in experts from various fields and departments in commercial cookery to share pertinent information with our team. To make our team become successful, I will ensure that relevant information and materials regarding commercial cookery is well disseminated to my team members. I will also ensure that the information that is provided to our team is well updated and current so as members of our team become well acquainted with the latest innovative skills in commercial cookery. In order to ensure that there is effective utilization of resources, I will supervise our team members with a view of helping them identify any areas that need to be improved in order to meet the needs and satisfaction of clients. The implementation plan will comprise of an effective communication plan to ensure that all people involved are communicating well. Good communication is essential in the team because it enables all stakeholders are in a better position of not only seeking but consider suggestions from other people. In order to successfully implement the plan, I will have to ensure that I conduct myself in a professional manner thus lead by example. Leading by example implies that I should conduct myself with decorum because the people under me will have to learn a lot from what I say and what I do. I will also ensure that I strictly adhere to the set budget and ensure that both the income and the expenses are well accounted for. The implementation process will also have to be recorded for future reference. The outcomes will both be gathered and compared against the set targets and will ensure that there is provision of a written report that will present an evaluation and recommendation of places that need to be improved. References Turner, A., Wilks, J. (2016). A place for food in Australian schools: a socio-historical review of food education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 1-14.
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